Boy, ain't it strange.

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Ever notice on any news station carrying the early voting processes throughout the country, just who the predominant early voters are?
There are people out there saying this election is not a racist event.
Gimm'e a break.
Where the hell were all these blacks in 2004, or any other election?
The only reason they are out in the numbers is two distinct reasons, that being their brother is running, and if he gets elected they think he is gonna give them free money from the wealthy.
Man they follow like sheep, and belive anything this jerk stuffs down their throat.
Will these same people be stormin the whitehous when he can't deliver on his promis?
"You Betcha"
To the contrary, minorities will turn out in slightly higher numbers this election, but not enough to turn any elections. And they'll overwhelmingly vote for Obama, but 9 out of 10 voted for Kerry, so if 95% vote for Obama, it's not terribly significant either.

Yes, it goes without saying that black voters are enthused to see someone of their shared identity presented as a viable candidate for the Presidency. This is completely understandable.

Catholics did the same thing when Kennedy ran in 1960.

Black people make up 16% of the population and an even lower percent of the voting population, probably somewhere closer to 10%. Obama has about 45% support in this country, so most of the sheeples looking to vote themselves an income aren't black.

The novelty of having a house racist is really starting to wear thin.
I'd like to hear one African American clearly and coherently state three things Obama and the Democrats have done for him or her. Seems like the blacks have been voting Democrat for over 40 years, and danged if I don't hear the Democrats still telling the blacks that they're oppressed and need help. Maybe they just need to start voting for the other party. You know, change?

Sort of reminds me of the psychiatrist that never actually cures you, because then you wouldn't come back with a check anymore.
I'd like to hear one African American clearly and coherently state three things Obama and the Democrats have done for him or her. Seems like the blacks have been voting Democrat for over 40 years, and danged if I don't hear the Democrats still telling the blacks that they're oppressed and need help. Maybe they just need to start voting for the other party. You know, change?

Sort of reminds me of the psychiatrist that never actually cures you, because then you wouldn't come back with a check anymore.

I would say it's time for StincolnLincoln to put up or shut up.

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