Boy, when you dangle a carrot like this...


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Apr 24, 2005
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Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2006 11:19 a.m. EDT

Rep. Rangel: I'll Retire if Democrats Lose in '06

Rep. Charles Rangel, a senior Democrat in Congress and the dean of New York's congressional delegation, said Wednesday he'll retire if the Democrats don't retake control of the House this year.

"I'm a poker player and I've had good hands all night long. This is all in," Rangel said in an interview. "I would not put everything on the table if I thought for one minute we would lose."

Rangel, ranking Democrat on the House Ways & Means Committee, is 76 years old and has spent 35 years in Congress. The Democrats need to gain 15 seats in the 2006 midterm election to retake control of the House _ a victory that would return Rangel to the chairmanship of the powerful committee.

"Hell, if we don't take back the House, then the Democrats would go down in history, saying that there's no group in the world that can grab defeat from the jaws of victory," Rangel said in an interview Wednesday. "It just seems like America is so frustrated and fed up like I am and if she's not, then I may have to say maybe it's me."

The Washington Post reported in Wednesday's editions that Rangel would leave Congress if the GOP retained control of the House.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she was with Rangel at a Harlem church on Sunday, and he never mentioned the possibility of leaving Congress.

"That was news to me," said Pelosi. "We're counting on winning, and we're working very hard in that regard. And when we do, he'll make a great chair of the Ways & Means Committee."

This is the same guy I heard on TV ranting that the military is a last resort occupation for the men and women too stupid to get real jobs in America. Of course, when McCain's son recently joined the Marines, he was discredited.
I would be excited if I wasn't aware of his history of bold faced lies.
Anyone recall the Baldwin that said he'd leave the states if bush was re-elected? Anyone recall him leaving? I remember several offers from charitable individuals offering to buy his ticket:shifty:
stang99x said:
Anyone recall the Baldwin that said he'd leave the states if bush was re-elected? Anyone recall him leaving? I remember several offers from charitable individuals offering to buy his ticket:shifty:

It supposedly is Alec Baldwin, but he denies saying it; so who knows.

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