fossten said:Funny...the article title speaks of evolution of the brain, while midway down the page they admit that it's actually a mutation. Apples and oranges. Talk about misleading people!
raVeneyes said:I guess you don't remember high school biology. Almost all evolution is started by mutation of a gene and the mutation becomes desirable leading to greater selection during mating.
fossten said:There you go again with your personal attacks while knowing nothing about me. The fact of the matter is that high school-taught evolution is presented as fact, while in truth evolution is nothing better than a theory at best, and a farce at worst.
raVeneyes said:What personal attack??? Take a pill or something man...I didn't attack you at all.
Evolution is fact...has been proven in the lab and in biology. In fact that's why theologists have switched to divinty lead evolution as the primary theory for how evolution works. The idea there is that the mutations are caused by god or by his design.
fossten said:Listen to yourself. SWITCHED...IDEA...THEORY...You don't even know the difference b/t theory and fact. Just b/c you've been taught evolution doesn't prove it to be fact. I have at my fingertips evidence that DISPROVES evolution on large, medium, or small scales. Take your pick.
You're in over your head if you want any of this. Please try; it'll be fun tying you in knots.
raVeneyes said:*DEE DEE DEE*
You really need to read a self help book or're way too high strung for a message board. Why don't you take up kicking puppies or licking toads?
I'm not going to agree with any evidence you put out there that disproves evolution as I've seen evidence that proves evolution on large medium and small scales.
I don't even believe in faith guided evolution. In fact...I don't give a crap about evolution...for all I know we all sprung fully formed from pods dropped here by aliens...and I don't care.
The post was for comic effect and to enlighten a few people about what the latest studies in science are. If you don't agree with their broader conclusions then take it up with them.
raVeneyes said:There you go having to have the last word again...
fossten said:That's a normal circumstance when you get
rmac694203 said:I'm buying evolution. Of course, I don't believe in religion. I think it's a sham used to control people.
rmac694203 said:I'm buying evolution. Of course, I don't believe in religion. I think it's a sham used to control people.
MAllen82 said:I do believe in evolution ironically. I find that too many people think that science and religion are the antithesis of eachother. I think that both of them are codependent. To say that we came from some singled celled organism from the bottom of the ocean just reaffirms my belief that we were created with purpose. Do you really think all of this could happen by shear chance?? I think not. Ever wonder why the greatest scientific minds are almost 100% of the time also very religious people? How's this one for you, I also believe that in some distant planet there's probably a race of people living. I use logic derived from the discovery of the "NewWorld". Who are we to say we have all the answers, and we know what God's plan was? We are a insignificant speck in what appears to be a limitless Universe. Words can't decribe how insigificant we are to the Universe, so to think that there's nothing else out there is being pretty arrogant. Same goes for thinking that you know God only created us.