Brake Booster Line?


Active LVC Member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
Northern CA
I'm getting OBD II error #1537, Intake Manifold Runner Control Stuck Open (Bank 1). Ive been told that to fix it I need to clean the intake manifold. So, I bought some Seafoam. The seafoam says to insert the stuff through the brake booster line. where is that located? will i have to remove anything to get there. thanks.
i put in the seafoam and everything worked just like it should. the car runs a little smoother but i'm still getting the 'check engine' error. i can't pass smog with this light on.
Do it again.
Do you have a Gen I or II? Check for a vacuum leak going to the IMRCs for a GenI.
Its a gen 2. hoses appear to be good, so im gonna try some more seafoam. could the light be an electrical error?
GenII's IMRCs are electricaly controlled. If you have the can, reach behind the intake and see if the IMRCs are free. To say that the space is tight is an understatment.
I had used the search to see how many people had crud in the controls vs. failures.
How many miles are on the car?
its got 110,000k on it.

ive read about the sludge. and i also read a post that says to get the pcm reset, because the new software will clean the imrcs at 40 mph.

i am going to try seafoam 2-3 more times. i might not have reved it enough.
Do you have a link to the info on the pcm reset deal?

When you did the first treatment, did white smoke come out the exhaust? I did two treatments and nothing spectacular happened as I have seen some videos on the site. The best "white-out" I did with my Mark w/100k plus miles was to shoot Berryman B-12 directly into the throttle body and rev the engine to 3K. I had half of the neighborhood covered in smoke. I'm not sure that this is a recommended procedure but I didn't have any issues from it. Keep in mind that your cats are sensitive to clogging from "treatments". I'm thinking that if you take your time and work in moderation you may not have issues either.
i got my hands on the right imrc switch. i was able to move it back and forth freely, and it was in the same position as the left one. a mechanic had wrapped some paper clip around it earlier today and the engine light went off for one run, untill it started up again.

i still have only put in one bottle of seafoam. when i used that i was in the driveway and it smoked up pretty good.

i will buy two more tommorrow. then give it a couple more tries.

oh, it turns out the pcm post i read was an article from a website, and it was about a 99 sable. sorry, im a newb lol. it was the same problem though. imrc stuck open. it might be relevant. heres the link :

also, when the problem is solved will i know right away or will it take awhile?

thanks a lot for all of your help.
Good find on the web site!
I wonder if the Marks could get the same update? Worse case scenario, you have a dead IMRC motor.(obvious) If you don't already have a manual, there is a post on LvC that lists a web site you can download the year you have.

A cheap fix would be to get a OBDII scanner that can clear the codes. Do that before the smog check. But you say the light comes on immediately.

Perhaps some top end driving and additional cleaning will free them up. Much like the ecm update for the Merc. leave the car in 2nd gear and drive about to get above 3K RPMS to get them to open/close.

Good wrenching!
i tried seafoam again. got lots of smoke but the light stayed on.

i reset the computer and erased the light. when i took it in to get smogged they said it wouldnt pass bc the codes had been erased, and that there was a code trying to go to the computer (the #1537 problem).

the smog guy said it could be a few different things, but something was probably broken if i tried everything else already.

im thinking my only decision is to get it looked at for $70. they say they can diagnose the problem and give a repair estimate for sure. i wish there was an easier way but this car is brand new to me and i gotta get this done ASAP. hopefully i'll be able to find the broken part(s) for cheap...

on the bright side the guy i am buying the car from said he will pick up some of the cost

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