Brake Question


Active LVC Member
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island
i have a 00 ls and i just had the brake pads replaced on tuesday. i been driving and whenever i press semi hard ont he brake i hear squealing. now i know the squeeling stops after a few days but ive been driving this thing alot cause of my schedule and the sound does not go away or even dim out. i went to the mechanic and he said everything was fine, and gave me some bull :q:q:q:q answer. i was wondering if any other ls's had this problem or if anyone kows what might be the problem. thanks
mine squeaks too. Supposedly they also cut the rotors while doing my brakes....
I just learned to live with it....:(
Mine squealed and the parkign brake wasn't working. I took it to CarX because the Stealerhip wan't open on the weekend. CarX looked at it and said everything was ok. I asked to have ceramic pad put on and asked to have the rotors turned. Well, they replaced the pad and didn't turn the rotors because "they didn't need it". They guy said that the rear left rotor had a problem with the caliper sticking.

The parking break works, there is less brake dust, but the squeal is still there. 5 months later. Something else wrong?
It depends on what kind of pads you have installed... I think that semi-metallic pads will squeal more. Also, if the pads aren't beveled on the ends, they may squeal. Noise can come from the back sides of the pads where they meet the caliper and the piston too.
i think you might be right about the pistons cause i had squealing before the new pads but not as bad. Do i need to get new calipers?
No, you can get a product at any auto parts store that you can apply to the area where the piston contacts the pad. You can also put a small dab on the calipers where the pads rest. You don't want to use too much and keep it off the rotors and faces of the pads. This may not solve it since it could be the compound of the pad and or the manufacturer.
No problem. If you take the calipers off, make sure you check the caliper slider pins... pop them off and re-lube with some white lithium grease. Just a precaution ;)

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