Braked hard and stop frequently with new brakes =... Problems??


Active LVC Member
Jan 31, 2014
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Hi, just installed brand new front brakes ( disc, pads ) and on my way back from the garage I had to do complete stops frequently and once I even had to push hard on my brakes because the traffic had jam suddently. Since I feel a little vibration while braking when im almost completly stopped. I also quickly noticed that my brakes are squeaking when I completly stop. Does anyone know if it's normal or that my brakes vibrate a little bit and squeak when im stopping completly since they are new or they shouldnt do both of what I described above. Thanks in advance !!
Uhhh, I can't tell from the words that you have used and the lack of grammar and run on sentences which are not good at showing me where your statements stop with one subject and continue with another subject which makes that whole post mostly un-intelligible which means that people will have to play 21-questions to try and figure it out.

But lets try.

Depending upon the pads, it could be normal for them to make noise and vibrate when the car is barely moving or creeping along. It's called growl i'm told. You shouldn't feel anything when the car is moving and you hit the brakes.

Also, depending upon the pads, they could very well make noise when being applied.
I think that he did a hard (and complete) stop before bedding the pads in, and that transferred some material from the pads to the rotors. I don't know if that will resolve itself, or if the new rotors will have to be turned now.
Try this:

I did it the hard way just for the pleasure of it. I was out there at 4 in the morning and nobody was around. On the expressway of course, then I got up to 60 or 70 or 80 miles per hour and then I put on the binders real hard not so much to where the traction control or ABS came on or anything like that but I didn't stop I just slowed it down to about 10 to 20 miles per hour and then I just kept going and got back up to speed. Then, I repeated the process about 6 or 7 times though I started smelling the brakes. That procedure says you're supposed to see smoke but it was dark so I couldn't see the smoke. And, they are supposed to start to fade but mine never faded. Then, after all of that action you just have to cool your brakes I just cruising around for about 15 to 20 minutes making sure you don't have to stop and for your pads will no rest on the rotors until they cool down and then that should work. Unfortunately if you brake light like me most of the time you may have to repeat the process in about a month or two.<br/>
thanks for the help guys. I did bring back my car to the garage and by chance everything was fine !

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