Brave Democrat retreat... New National Holiday


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Thank God we have the brave Dems in charge now. I feel much, much safer.

Democrat Bill Creates National Redeployment Holiday

By Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief,
News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.

(2007-03-29) — Another little-heralded provision of the Iraq pull-out timeline bill would create a national holiday marking what Democrats said could be the “the greatest U.S. military achievement of the 21st century so far.”

Redeployment Day, the Monday after March 15 each year, will celebrate “the courage of Congressional leaders who answered their country’s call to bring the troops home,” according to the text of the bill.

Commemoration events will include parades marched in reverse, the placing of white flags on the graves of those “who died in vain” and a 21-gun live-ammo ejection salute, a tribute to the money saved by not discharging weapons at Iraqi insurgents.

I wish the projection I’m writing about was Astral. I wish the people I’m writing about were permenantly floating out of their bodies, or at least until they came to their senses.

Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, Harry Reid, and, well, the rest of the Democratic Party, have decided to project their policy and political ambitions with regard to the war on Iraq, onto you and me - - people who were not offered the opportunity to vote on any proposed national law or referendum regarding Iraq, but who instead were only offered the opportunity to vote in local elections for representatives to the Federal Government.

During the campaign, very few of those who were elected looked the American People in the eye and told them they intended to vote for an arbitrary cut-off date for the war, or a call to bring the troops home within weeks. Yet the Dems now claim they were elected to do exactly that. Perhaps they need to be reminded that they were elected in the United States of America, not Fantasy Island.

Pelosi et. al. are overplaying their hand, overinterpreting the fact that local elections allowed the Democrats a slim Congressional and Senate Majority. Somehow they have interpreted this to mean, clearly and unequivocally, that the American people want a complete pullout from Iraq, regardless of the consequences. They have interpreted it to mean that the American people do not support the surge. A surge the reckless and ridiculous Democrats themselves supported when they unanimously approved General Petraeus to lead it. They keep stating that the American People somehow voted the Democratic Party in as part of a national referendum to immediately begin a withdrawal from Iraq. There is no evidence to support such self-serving wishful thinking. The only thing that supports that contention is their desire for it to be true.

Would anyone who voted on such a referendum please scan and email me their ballot? ‘Cos if it was out there and I didn’t get to vote on it due to some voter fraud conspiracy, I’m gonna be pissed.

And if anyone is dying and would like to leave their brain to Chuck Hagel, please go to his website for contact info.
sounds more to me like a case of discrimination to me
and you act like your in cults

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