Brave woman


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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A brave Muslim woman takes on the extremists on Al Jazeera TV

This is an absolute MUST WATCH. INCREDIBLY WONDERFUL. A woman with
stones (no pun intended.) Here is a powerful and amazing statement
defending secular humanism on Al Jazeera television . The woman is
Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles. I would
suggest watching it ASAP because I dont know how long the link will be
Yes she is an incredibly brave woman, Thanks for post that barry.
Wow, that is pretty astonishing, telling it like it is.

Like raising kids, stomping your feet and throwing a temper tantrum will not be rewarded, nor should it be paid any attention. A civil attitude and mutual respect will go alot further.
WOW! I have total respect for that woman, She just told the complete truth right there. More people need to think like she does. Respect others and you will be respected back. Violence should never be the answer. Knowledge is power not guns, explosives or terror. Well said. Thanks for posting this Barry, excellent, most excellent.

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