Breaking!!! Howard Dean endorses McCain


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Seems like Howard was 4 years premature. LOL

Dean gives Kerry (McCain) a loud and clear endorsement

updated 7:42 p.m. CT, Thurs., March. 25, 2004

WASHINGTON - Howard Dean returned to the campaign trail Thursday, but this time he raised his voice above a noisy crowd to endorse Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, his former rival, for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Speaking to college students at George Washington University, Dean, the former governor of Vermont whose dark-horse anti-war campaign energized voters in the Democrats’ base, said Kerry would better protect jobs, the environment and the nation than President Bush.

“Who would you rather have in charge of the defense of the United States of America,” Dean asked the young crowd, “a group of people who never served a day overseas in their life or a guy who served his country honorably and has three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star from the battlefields of Vietnam?”

Can't wait to see watch the 'Sit and Spin" when this hits the airwaves.

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