Bryan. What happened to your post?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Good golly Bryan. I could have sworn that you said you never delete posts. What happened to your post "1 down 4 to go"?

While I totally agree with you that the Liberal judges overstepped their bounds by expanding immenent domain I believe that a Conservative swung court will be disasterous for many rights that I hold dear. has asked for help in blocking a Bush appointment. I wrote them that they may have lost a lot of support with Librubicans, like me.

I think a Centrist Judge is just what this court needs. There will be plenty of opportunities to balance the court in short order. These guys aren't exactly spring chickens.

President Bush would gain a lot of credibility with me if he were to do what I believe is the right thing.
barry2952 said:
Good golly Bryan. I could have sworn that you said you never delete posts.
Well gee Barry, I decided to delete my own post that had no replies because I wanted to come up with something better on such a momentus occasion. In the future I'll check with you first for approval when I decide to edit myself.

barry2952 said:
I think a Centrist Judge is just what this court needs. There will be plenty of opportunities to balance the court in short order. These guys aren't exactly spring chickens.

President Bush would gain a lot of credibility with me if he were to do what I believe is the right thing.
Exactly what would that be that Bush would have to do? O'connor already failed Reagan almost from day one and Souter did the same to HW Bush. This time Dubya needs to get it right and move the court from one that wants to create law into one that interprets law. That will require a move to the right because there is no such thing as a liberal/centrist judge nowadays that 'interprets' law. They are all trying to make law.

The left created the precedent of dividing the country over judicial appointments. Republicans followed suit with Clinton and then Dems have just upped the ante again.
President.....Confirmation Percentage
HW Bush..............77.8%

So I say the party in power gets what they want. Period. If people don't like the direction, they vote them out and put in new people. Pretty simple.

Bush should get to pick whoever he wants. That is just the way the cookie crumbles.
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I agree the Court needs to interpret law and not make law - Although sometimes its impossible not to do both at the same time. (i.e. Miranda, Roe v Wade, etc.) But I disagree with the statement that ONLY a right wing conservative can do the job.

This aint just about politics boys - this will have an impact for decades. The decisions made by the court affect our daily lives. Think past Bush and Clinton for a minute. The court decides things that are very important to our freedoms, and their decisions have long lasting effect.

This isnt just about the economy or should we go to war, or whatever. This is about things like the death penalty, human and civil rights, individual freedoms, etc.
Joeychgo said:
I agree the Court needs to interpret law and not make law - Although sometimes its impossible not to do both at the same time. (i.e. Miranda, Roe v Wade, etc.) But I disagree with the statement that ONLY a right wing conservative can do the job.

Nowhere did I say we need a right-wing conservative. I simply said that confessed liberals and centrist judges are not capable of reading the law based on the merits. I do find it possible that a conservative is and would be willing to look at the law and interpret it, not rewrite it as has happened the last 30 years.

Take a look at some of the recent Supreme Court Decisions.
Make a chart of the Justices and which side they came down on.
Compare that with your own internal clock and see if those individuals jive with your own opinions. That's the best way for you to decide which way we need to go.

Me, I'll keep pushing this Country to the right. In this region of political ideology lies the home of common sense and the place that majority of us, the silent majority reside. A place that places the best interests of the Country above all other selfish interests.

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