Bush and FISA.... Bush winning again.


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Mar 2, 2004
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Bush will join the list with Reagan as one of our greatest Presidents. Democrats (who control the House and Senate) roll over again.

FISA reform, finally: “The bill is passed,” 293-129
By Michelle Malkin • June 20, 2008 12:46 PM

The House is now voting on the FISA reform deal. Moonbat callers on C-SPAN are going nuts over Democrat capitulation. I’ll post the tally and roll call vote as soon as the yeas and nays are all counted.

(Update: 12:51pm Eastern. “The bill is passed.” Vote was 293-129.) Now, on to the Senate. The 9/10 Democrats succumb to reality.

Andrew McCarthy gives the compromise deal thumbs up:

Here is the bottom line: Our intelligence agencies will once again have authority to conduct aggressive monitoring of foreign powers, including terrorist organizations, which threaten the United States. In particular, this will be the case overseas — that is, when foreigners located outside our borders communicate with each other. The Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency will essentially be able to collect foreign intelligence without interference from the courts, the status quo ante that was U.S. law for decades before being upset by a secret court ruling last year.

Moreover, the telecommunications companies which patriotically complied with administration requests for assistance in the emergency conditions that obtained after nearly 3,000 Americans were mass-murdered in the 9/11 attacks will receive retroactive immunity. That is, they will be relieved of the potential billions in liability they (and their shareholders and customers) faced in scores of lawsuits.

The telecoms were sued by the ACLU and other privacy eccentrics because they cooperated in the NSA’s warrantless surveillance of suspected international terrorist communications that crossed U.S. borders — a program the legality of which is richly supported by precedent. Consequently, the American people will be relieved of the vulnerability they would face if industry’s top information technology experts were disincentivized from assisting in our security. (While I have long been a critic of our surveillance laws, I note once again, in the interest of full disclosure, that my wife works for Verizon.)

Contrary to the sky-is-falling hysteria we are likely to hear in the coming days, this immunity is not “blanket.” It benefits only private actors. That is as it should be. This controversy involves the executive and legislative branches of government fighting over ultimate control of surveillance authority. Private actors who merely complied with ostensibly lawful requests should never have been pawns in that political battle. And only those private actors who can show, by “substantial evidence” that they were complying with a written request from government will be afforded immunity.
Bush will join the list with Reagan as one of our greatest Presidents. Democrats (who control the House and Senate) roll over again.

Who's list?
The dimfull half baked thinkers waiting for a miracle society?

I heard Bush is writing a comic book memoir and collecting coloring books for his presidential library to fill up the rest of the shelves next to his copy of My Pet Goat.
The dimfull half baked thinkers waiting for a miracle society?

Miracle society? I think you are thinking of liberals. Their whole current ideology is built around wishful thinking and an idealized society; utopian thinking. Not reality as the American conservative ideology is.:eek:
I am actually kinda suprised that the Dems caved on this as their biggest campaign contributers by a huge margin are the trial lawyers, who's business this would hurt.
Who's list?
The dimfull half baked thinkers waiting for a miracle society?

Ya, hard work, responsibility and self-reliance with the government on the side-lines. The miracle society indeed.

Libs crack me up. Don't you guys own any mirrors?:lol:
I heard Bush is writing a comic book memoir and collecting coloring books for his presidential library to fill up the rest of the shelves next to his copy of My Pet Goat.

Wow. Great response to the OP. Full of thought to refute the hard facts that liberals are losers. No wonder they want to lose in Iraq. Losing must be inbred.

I bought you a present. All I need is your address to send it to you. You might want to go to DailyKos, HuffPo or the DU to share your grief with like-minded weaklings.

crying towel.jpg
Who's list?
The dimfull half baked thinkers waiting for a miracle society?

I heard Bush is writing a comic book memoir and collecting coloring books for his presidential library to fill up the rest of the shelves next to his copy of My Pet Goat.
Why don't you head down to Clinton's library - I hear the massage parlor is giving discounts on handjobs for the most loyal sychophants.
I would have no problem with this if one simple sentence like this was added:

"Evidence obtained shall not be admissible against any American Citizen for any charge except those of treason or terrorist related activities."

I would have no problem with this if one simple sentence like this was added:

"Evidence obtained shall not be admissible against any American Citizen for any charge except those of treason or terrorist related activities."


There is no violation of rights involved, so where is your problem?

Besides, this program is only looking for security threats, so it is very likely that it is only going to get anyone for "treason, or terrorist related activities."
Terrorist related activities could be construed to include criticizing the government, joining a private militia, or stockpiling guns and ammunition. Just give Congress time, they'll slip a bill in there during Hussein's presidency.

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