Bush approval mark nears low


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Poll: Bush approval mark nears low
Congress receives poor marks too in latest Gallup poll
Monday, May 23, 2005 Posted: 11:29 PM EDT (0329 GMT)

President Bush's approval rating is down 4 percentage points since early May, according to a recent poll.

(CNN) -- President Bush's job approval rating dropped to near its lowest point and Congress received poor marks as well in a national poll released Monday.

Forty-six percent of 1,006 adults polled over the weekend said they approved of the overall job Bush is doing, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

Over the past year, Bush's rating has hovered near 50 percent, with a low of 45 percent in March and a high of 57 percent just after his second inauguration and the State of the Union in February.

The 46 percent figure is down about 4 percentage points since a poll taken at the beginning of May.

The approval rating poll question, asked by telephone on May 20-May 22, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Pollsters split some questions on specific issues between two "half groups" of respondents. Those questions had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

On domestic issues, the president's approval ratings are at an all-time low -- 40 percent of respondents approve of his work on the economy and 33 percent approve of his plans for Social Security changes.

Bush fared best among respondents when they were asked if they approved or disapproved how how he was handling terrorism.

But while 55 percent of the people taking part in the poll approved, that figure was down 2 percentage points from a poll taken in April.

On the Iraq war, the president's approval mark remained low -- just 40 percent of those agreed with the way he is handling the situation.

Most of those surveyed (52 percent) said they think Bush has "the personality and leadership qualities a president should have."

But many said they differ on the issues that matter most to them -- 57 percent disagreed with the president, while 40 percent said they agreed.

Congressional ratings
Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate fared badly on the judicial nominees issue.

When asked to choose, 58 percent of respondents in the split part of the poll said Republican leaders were behaving like "spoiled children" on the matter while 31 percent picked "responsible adults."

Democratic leaders were viewed almost in the same light, with 54 percent of respondents disapproving and 36 percent approving.

On a separate question asked of half the respondents, 48 percent said they favored the Democrats in the dispute and 40 percent favored the GOP.

Several questions involving Congress were put to all respondents. Those questions had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

On the question of their interest in the filibuster issue, 37 percent said they had not been following it at all and 20 percent picked "not too closely."

All respondents were also asked whether they would change the filibuster and/or preserve it.

Thirty-five percent sided with changing Senate rules, 19 percent agreed on keeping the filibuster, and 34 percent wanted filibuster rules to remain intact but for nominees to receive a full Senate vote.

On the federal judiciary itself, 29 percent of all respondents said judges were too liberal, 19 percent said they were too conservative and 44 percent said they were "about right."

The poll also indicated Americans might want a change in Congress, with 47 percent of all respondents saying the country would be better off if Democrats were in control, compared with 36 percent who favored Republicans. Nine percent picked "neither."

Republicans control the Senate with 55 seats, Democrats have 44 seats and one senator lists himself as independent.

In the 435-member House of Representatives, Republicans hold 231 seats to the Democrats' 202. One member is an independent and there is one vacancy at the moment.

So where is this huge "movement to the right" Bryan keeps clamoring about? Sounds to me that us moderates in the middle are getting sick and tired of all the politicking, especially from the GOP.
Ok you got this from CNN and the staff of CNN aided and abetted Saddam to the point that they had agreements with the dictator that would allow them to stay in coutry so long as they did not report on the mass graves, torture and rape rooms. These folks are sickening and are not reports.
You sound just like your other chicken-little buddie, "The liberal MSM is lying, the liberal MSM is lying!" whenever something un-flattering about Bush is written.

Get used to it, 3-1/2 more years to go............. if that.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
So where is this huge "movement to the right" Bryan keeps clamoring about? Sounds to me that us moderates in the middle are getting sick and tired of all the politicking, especially from the GOP.
Now your a moderate in the middle? What happened, did being a wacky liberal lose its luster for you. It is funny, when the MSM media asks the question about S.S., it comes back 33% approval. But when the actual 'changes' are explained to people, it comes back 76% approval. Just more confusion and obfuscation on the side of the MSM to avoid telling the truth.
MonsterMark said:
Now your a moderate in the middle? What happened, did being a wacky liberal lose its luster for you.

I've ALWAYS been in the middle, it's just that from your perspective way out there on the right, it appears that I'm far to the left. I'm just far to YOUR left.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall in your voting booth. I'm willing to bet that unless the name has a "D" next to it, you wouldn't consider that individual. That to me is far to the left.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
You sound just like your other chicken-little buddie, "The liberal MSM is lying, the liberal MSM is lying!" whenever something un-flattering about Bush is written.

Get used to it, 3-1/2 more years to go............. if that.

No, I just do not have faith in that establishment. They are the only media outlet that I know of that had a deal with Saddam that allowed them to stay in country on the condition they did not report the truth. This is a known fact and was admited by their own folks.

I get my news from NBC, NPR, PBS, FNC and multiple print and internet sources. Unlike many liberals that continue to drink the kool aid of one side I choose to listen objectively to both sides.
MonsterMark said:
I'd like to be a fly on the wall in your voting booth. I'm willing to bet that unless the name has a "D" next to it, you wouldn't consider that individual. That to me is far to the left.

I do not know him well enough to come to this conclusion but I do read it in his postings. Frankly, I am a lib... Libertarian! I did not vote for GWB in the 00 elections but i darn sure did in 04 and my wife didn't vote for him in 00 but she darn sure did in 04.

In fact, in 00 we did not even vote for the same folks. She went the way of the internet inventor sadly I voted for Nader. If I had it to do all over again I would have voted for GWB in both elections.

I keep waiting for a strong libertarian to arrive but I am not holding my breath.
If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have voted for his father. The only reason we're in Iraq is that GWB's father didn't have the balls to finish the job.
c'mon he yielded to the Useless Nations. I wish they would have had the wherewithal to just get Saddam out but no one wanted to deal with the responsibility of Nation building then. It was dereliction of duty on an international scale toped off with greed.

The oil for food thing was a gigantic scam which made a lot of people rich and it seems no one is going to answer for it. It would be great to see deep throat 2 emerge from the UN and just rat everyone out. It would not bother me one bit if it even rocked the foundation of the white house. Iraqi's suffered as a result of this poorly managed program.

Where was the transparency that is often made a big deal about when the US is involved with management of a program. There is a double standard.
It's what happens when you dump on the people who supported you, voted for you, and thought they'd elected a REPUBLICAN not a closet spineless toady for the liberals. He's still doing better than his oppenent,or Hillary. Not a great recomendation.
I think there's no denying that on the whole, the media does tend to be liberal. As far as bush's approval ratings, I'm not surprised, as I'm not the happiest I've ever been either, but as monster mark points out, those numbers can be deceiving. If I could go back and vote again, I'd still vote for bush, but just because it was between him and kerry.

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