Bush Disapproval Rating Makes History


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
WASHINGTON (May 1) - A new poll suggests that President Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said Keating Holland, CNN's polling director.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952."

While Gallup polling goes back to the 1930s, it wasn't until the Truman years that they began surveying monthly approval ratings.

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, "He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974."

President Nixon's disapproval rating in August 1974 stood at 66 percent

The poll also indicates that support for the war in Iraq has never been lower. Thirty percent of those questioned favored the war, while 68 percent opposed it.

"Americans are growing more pessimistic about the war," Holland said. "In January, nearly half believed that things were going well for the U.S. in Iraq; now that figure has dropped to 39 percent."

The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" moment on board the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when he proclaimed that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

The record-low support for the war in a CNN poll could be one reason behind the president's unpopularity, but it probably is not the only one.

"Support for the war, the assessment of the economy and approval of Mr. Bush are all about the same -- bad," Schneider said.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll was conducted by telephone from Monday through Wednesday among 1,008 adult Americans.

The poll's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
haha, I was going to post something about this but I figured I would get ragged on about CNN.
When you have bull:q:q:q:q do-nothing Democrat Congress, what do you expect?

I won't even get into the CNN bias.

Or the media bias.
Hey, I'll tune in to CNN for local non political news but thats about it.

That goes for the Media in general.
So...CNN does a poll in order to manufacture news...and voila! the poll says what they want it to...and this is a story?

Give me a break. These "people" know what they're doing. Besides, inasmuch as more than half the country is populated by simpletons who are brainwashed by every media driveby shooting, public opinions do not reflect reality when it comes to how good a job Bush is doing.

Having said that, I probably wouldn't give him a very high grade either. But if you're being honest, and if you have balls, Joey, rather than post some stupid Clinton News Network poll, you'll just speak out with your own words and tell us why you think Bush is doing a bad job. The fact that a bunch of sheeple think the same way does NOT lend you any credibility. Make your case on your own merits instead of parroting some propaganda public poll. (Alliteration achieved accidentally)
When you have bull:q:q:q:q do-nothing Democrat Congress, what do you expect?

I won't even get into the CNN bias.

Or the media bias.

Ever notice Bryan -- You never give GW any credit for things. its the democrat congress, media bias, etc etc. When are you going to wake up and realize GW is a lousy president? At best, he sure isnt the hero you think him to be.

I there a CNN / Media slant? Probably. But does that slant take a great president and make him look like crap? No.. They might take a bad president and make him look like the worst. But your still starting with a bad president.

Who do you expect people to blame? hundreds of Billions spent in Iraq trillions more stimated to come over the years - no "real" progress in Iraq or Afghanastan, People losing their homes or paying substantially more per month, gas has more then tripled in the last 7 years. Food prices going up substantially... What is SO good about things? The best you can say about Bush is that another attack hasnt happened... But we dont know that any have been actually prevented or attempted. So the only thing you can possibly brag about is a srong maybe.
Ever notice Bryan -- You never give GW any credit for things. its the democrat congress, media bias, etc etc. When are you going to wake up and realize GW is a lousy president? At best, he sure isnt the hero you think him to be.

I there a CNN / Media slant? Probably. But does that slant take a great president and make him look like crap? No.. They might take a bad president and make him look like the worst. But your still starting with a bad president.

Who do you expect people to blame? hundreds of Billions spent in Iraq trillions more stimated to come over the years - no "real" progress in Iraq or Afghanastan, People losing their homes or paying substantially more per month, gas has more then tripled in the last 7 years. Food prices going up substantially... What is SO good about things? The best you can say about Bush is that another attack hasnt happened... But we dont know that any have been actually prevented or attempted. So the only thing you can possibly brag about is a srong maybe.
Bravo, Joey...you're making your own case instead of depending on CNN's skewed poll to do it for you. Let the debating begin.

By the way, according to the administration, there have been several foiled attempts since 9/11/01 - all of which have been snuffed out. Unless you're saying Bush fabricated them all to make himself look good. Conspiracy theory much?
The biggest "attempt" I kow of - didnt it end in 2 mistrials for those involved? (Sears Tower)

Two previous prosecutions in the high profile terrorism case ended in mistrials because jurors were unable to agree on verdicts.
Now, to be fair - I also found this quote:

"U.S. terror attacks foiled,” read the headline in England’s Sunday Times. In France, a headline from Agence France Presse proclaimed, "Three Algerians arrested in Italy over plot targeting U.S.”

Curiously, what was deemed worthy of a worldwide media blitz abroad was virtually ignored by the U.S. media, and conservative media watchdog groups are saying that is no accident.

Now, to be fair - I also found this quote:

"U.S. terror attacks foiled,” read the headline in England’s Sunday Times. In France, a headline from Agence France Presse proclaimed, "Three Algerians arrested in Italy over plot targeting U.S.”

Curiously, what was deemed worthy of a worldwide media blitz abroad was virtually ignored by the U.S. media, and conservative media watchdog groups are saying that is no accident.

Ah, so it's possible that you yourself have been victimized by our "omit the good news" driveby media, eh?

Amazing what a little research on the net will turn up.
I there a CNN / Media slant? Probably. But does that slant take a great president and make him look like crap? No.. They might take a bad president and make him look like the worst. But your still starting with a bad president.

You sorely underestimate the MSM (intentionally?). Remember that the MSM spun the tet offensive into a success by the North Vietnamese and practically single handedly changed public sentiment on the Vietnam War.

The MSM is much more powerful and dishonest then you imply (and you know it); they can take a good president and make him into a bad president, which is the case with Bush; hardly a great president, but hardly a bad president either. Most of the critiques of him are groundless and media manufactured. Remember the manufactured story of Bush's military service (or lack thereof, according to the media)? Not to mention the whole domestic spying lie? Also look at how they bring certian stories out around election time that they had been sitting on until then, namely Bush's DUI.

You put too much faith in biased polls. How accurate are the polls on the candidates around election time, or the "exit polls" conducted during elections? The 2000 election showed the flaws of relying on polls pretty well.
Ah, so it's possible that you yourself have been victimized by our "omit the good news" driveby media, eh?

Amazing what a little research on the net will turn up.

I always assume there is both some truth and some slant in all media - period. Im not so stupid as to believe everything I read.

But, truth is - It's rare that I run across a person that thinks GW has done a good job the last 7 years. Even trying to look at things it the best light, I can't find much that GW has done well.

What might seem ironic though -- I dislike Hillary for one of the same reasons I dislike GW. GW has been a divisive force in this country. You ewither love him or hate him. There isnt much inbetween. I believe Hillary would be the same if she became president. IMO, the first order of business is that we need a President who can get us all on the same page. This is why I am leaning strongly toward McCain. I believe him to be moderate enough for most people to at least find some good in him, Libs, Independants and Conservatives alike. I dont want a left wing nutjob President anymore then I want (another) right wing nutjob President.
Joeychgo said:
But, truth is - It's rare that I run across a person that thinks GW has done a good job the last 7 years. Even trying to look at things it the best light, I can't find much that GW has done well.

I do.

We haven't been attacked again, saving us TRILLIONS of dollars and untold personal freedoms.

Fantastic economy the past 6 years.

I could go on and on but it is a waste of time.

So I don't post much anymore.

Better things to do.
When are you going to wake up and realize GW is a lousy president? At best, he sure isnt the hero you think him to be.

If there was no Iraq war would you still believe Bush is a lousy president?
If there was no Iraq war would you still believe Bush is a lousy president?

I can't say. The reason being that I have to wonder if he would have accomplished anything if he didnt have the war to deal with.

What im saying is - its not because of the War that I feel he's a lousy president. Its because I really cant point to much thats positive and say - hey - "Bush did that."
I can't say. The reason being that I have to wonder if he would have accomplished anything if he didnt have the war to deal with.

What im saying is - its not because of the War that I feel he's a lousy president. Its because I really cant point to much thats positive and say - hey - "Bush did that."

So, outside of the war, Bush is just a mediocre President, in your opinion?

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