"Bush Meets With Protesting Mom In Crawford After She Dresses Like Saudi Prince"


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Bush Meets With Protesting Mom In Crawford After She Dresses
Like Saudi Prince

Skewpoint with Cybersatirist Bob Hirschfeld

President Bush emerged from his Crawford ranch, embraced anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan and carried her on his back to his vacation home believing she was a Saudi prince. Sheehan had dressed in the disguise to get the president’s attention.

The mother, whose son was killed while serving in Iraq, told the president she was upset that war was actually about oil and she felt misled. Bush dropped to his knees and denied that he would ever waiver from his loyalty to Saudi oil.

“No matter how much you charge we will always be your best and most loyal customer,” Bush pleaded. The president also pointed out that the energy bill he recently signed ensured continued strong demand for oil from Saudi Arabia.

Sheehan decided not to reveal her true identity until she left the ranch and met with reporters.

The Republican National Committee retaliated by releasing a statement from the parents of Terry Schiavo claiming that Cindy Sheehan is in a vegetative state.
this should be in Anything Goes because it has no ties to reality whatsoever. I'm glad Phil is so adept at browsing the fiction aisle of the local library to get all these wonderful pieces.
"Get out of our holy land, Yankee-doodle infidel swine!"


Just because you make a joke, doesn't make it funny. This one was lame and stupid, and trying to demean Bush, not just make fun of him. Why should we think it's funny?Don't be jealous because you guys don't know what it's like to have a leader in your party.
Well, when you wake up from fantasy land, feel free to join us in the real world.
97silverlsc said:
Actually, I thought it funny and damn close to the mark.

So your ignorance finallly shines through.

It is custom in the Middle east for men to hold hands as a sign of respect and friendship. It is considered an EXTREME insult to refuse to do so...especially if it is offered from royalty.

But keep on spewin whatever you feel like spewin... cause you're not winning any battles with this one.

.......But I did think the joke was slightly humorous.
97silverlsc said:
What's the matter boys? You only have a sense of humor when it's at anyone but Shrubs expense?
I don't have a problem with it only he is not as funny as Scott Ott from Scrappleface.
Well, if only there was a great man in the DNC for me to make fun of.......
MAllen82 said:
Well, if only there was a great man in the DNC for me to make fun of.......

Well, not a great man, but...

John Edwards is such a pretty boy...


A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a liberal Democrat. She asks her students to raise their hands if they were liberal Democrats too. Not really knowing what a liberal Democrat was, but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands flew up into the air. There was, however, one exception. A girl named Lucy had not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.' Because I'm not a liberal Democrat.''Then,' asks the teacher, 'What are you?''Why I'm a proud conservative Republican,' boasts the little girl.The teacher, a little perturbed and her face slightly red, asked Lucy why sheis a conservative Republican.'Well, I was brought up to trust in myself instead of relying on an intrusive government to care for me and do all of my thinking. My Dad and Mom are conservative Republicans, and I am a conservative Republican too.'The teacher, now angry, loudly says, 'That's no reason! What if your Mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?'She pauses, and lets out a smile. 'Then,' Lucy says, 'I'd be a liberal Democrat.'
If anybody else besides me thinks that picture of Bush is inappropriate, send me a PM. I'd like to hear from you.
I think the "Alien" picture is despicable. It advocates assassination. Phil, you're such a hypocrite, posting an article about Pat Robertson and then posting a pic like that. You have a sick imagination.
It's funny, when Barry had a complaint about something I typed, I edited it out. You guys seem to not care what anyone thinks. Way to be a part of the community.
I'm sure Barry likes the blood-stained picture of the President because he 'loathes' him so much. It is great to watch the side that espouses love and peace posting up and admiring hate speech. And that is what that pic is. Nice to see the real side of the left.
Gee, are they all really hypocrites like everyone always says???
MAllen82 said:
Gee, are they all really hypocrites like everyone always says???

Only the breed like the ones on this forum, who violate everything they advocate and swallow everything Ted (hic) Kennedy and Michael Moore-on says.

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