Bush nails the Democrats dead to rights in 2 sentences.


Bush has been nailing the dumbocrats ever since the first election. And he hasn't stopped or been able to be stopped since.
bufordtpisser said:
Bush has been nailing the dumbocrats ever since the first election. And he hasn't stopped or been able to be stopped since.

I'm going out on a limb here, Are you any better off since he came to office? 5 years ago, his ideas sounded good, but his reteric was out of line "your either with us or against us!" Terror Terror Terror is his platform. Instill terror in the american people in order to gain their confidence.

"Don't leave things undone for the next generation", At the start of his 1st term there was a surplus of money, now there is 400 BILLION deficit. he said he wanted to reduce it by 18 billion by 2012. that is too long after his term! He is by far the 1st president to spend so much money and leave it for generations to deal with.

my 2 cents - cause that's all I can afford.
Bush's speech was more than him just making a speech. It was also about baiting the Democrats into making idiots of themselves in front of the camera.

And it succeeded in spades.
If it was a bait, it worked, because it shows the american public and the world that not everone believes he is in the right 'on everything'.
pbslmo said:
I'm going out on a limb here, Are you any better off since he came to office?

I am better off, and I'll tell you why. Due to the tax cuts that went into effect earlier in his term, my federal tax bill for 2004 was reduced by $10,000. I used this extra money to install a new front walkway to my house, a new lawn, and run-off drains (thereby employing my landscape company and giving them significant business). Also, due to the cuts, the amount of money I set aside each month to pay my quarterly tax bill was reduced by about $500 per month. That's like getting a tax-free $6000 raise! Am I better off? You're darn right!
ToddG said:
I am better off, and I'll tell you why. Due to the tax cuts that went into effect earlier in his term, my federal tax bill for 2004 was reduced by $10,000. I used this extra money to install a new front walkway to my house, a new lawn, and run-off drains (thereby employing my landscape company and giving them significant business). Also, due to the cuts, the amount of money I set aside each month to pay my quarterly tax bill was reduced by about $500 per month. That's like getting a tax-free $6000 raise! Am I better off? You're darn right!


Rule # 2 in Debate: Don't ask a question unless you already know the answer.
ToddG said:
I am better off, and I'll tell you why. Due to the tax cuts that went into effect earlier in his term, my federal tax bill for 2004 was reduced by $10,000. I used this extra money to install a new front walkway to my house, a new lawn, and run-off drains (thereby employing my landscape company and giving them significant business). Also, due to the cuts, the amount of money I set aside each month to pay my quarterly tax bill was reduced by about $500 per month. That's like getting a tax-free $6000 raise! Am I better off? You're darn right!

How much did you donate to charity? How much have you put aside for your retirement? This short term gain for individuals causes the country to have long term deficit effects. Republicans need to quit being so self-centered. Look at the bigger picture.
Yes actually I am....

pbslmo said:
I'm going out on a limb here, Are you any better off since he came to office? 5 years ago, his ideas sounded good, but his reteric was out of line "your either with us or against us!" Terror Terror Terror is his platform. Instill terror in the american people in order to gain their confidence.

"Don't leave things undone for the next generation", At the start of his 1st term there was a surplus of money, now there is 400 BILLION deficit. he said he wanted to reduce it by 18 billion by 2012. that is too long after his term! He is by far the 1st president to spend so much money and leave it for generations to deal with.

my 2 cents - cause that's all I can afford.

I too, have been able to keep a lot more of my hard earned money. I bank some, and I donate some. Through my own personal business I have donated 3 computer systems to local low income daycare centers. So yes, I can without a doubt say that I am better off since Bush has been in office.
bufordtpisser said:
I too, have been able to keep a lot more of my hard earned money. I bank some, and I donate some. Through my own personal business I have donated 3 computer systems to local low income daycare centers. So yes, I can without a doubt say that I am better off since Bush has been in office.

So is that a depreciated deduction on the taxes, or did you just out right give it to them and not claim the deduction?
MonsterMark said:
"Hindsight alone is not wisdom," Bush said. "And second-guessing is not a strategy."

TO me - this sounds like an admission that he has made big mistakesm twisted around to seem like an attack on dems.

I listened to a speech he gave today, and he sounded ok, until he started talking about bi-partisianship and blamed the Dems for the lack of working together.

The partisianship is rampant - but its at least as equal on the Republican side. Even on this forum, you right wing nut jobs :D never miss an opportunity to use terms like 'fiberals'. Comments like that, and like GWs are what keeps bipartisianship from happening. Im not saying the Dems are innocent, but lets stop playing like the Republcans are the righteous ones here because thats bull.

I saw GWs demonstration of Bi Partisianship with all the Supreme Court Appointments. Do you think he looked for a candidate the Dems would be agreeable to? Do you think he asked Dem leaders for their suggestions? I bet not. One nominee was so bad even the Republicans had problems with her.

Come on guys - dont you see, the wool is being pulled over your eyes also?

Oh, and one more little tidbit. You heard it from me first. GW is trying to go to war with IRAN.

It'll start with airstrikes on nuclear facilities. We'll do that to save the world. This will force Iran to either suck it up (not likely) or attack our forces to which we will have to respond by invasion. Im not debating the merits of this - but mark my words - this is the plan.

Joeychgo said:
The partisianship is rampant - but its at least as equal on the Republican side. Even on this forum, you right wing nut jobs :D never miss an opportunity to use terms like 'fiberals'. Comments like that, and like GWs are what keeps bipartisianship from happening. Im not saying the Dems are innocent, but lets stop playing like the Republcans are the righteous ones here because thats bull.

You're not even close. Don't give me that crap about it being equal on both sides. Are you seriously giving your Dem buddies a pass on partisanship? Are you forgetting the constant LYING and BASHING they give Bush and the Republicans? Accusing them of mismanagement, lying, corruption? Falsely demagoguing a supreme court nominee JUST because he has views that they don't agree with? Your own post was filled with insults and condescension. I'm sorry that 'fiberals' hurts your feelings, but we've been called 'repugs' long before that. Grow a skin. I know it doesn't feel natural for your party to be in the minority, but GET USED TO IT. As long as the Fibs continue to sound like Ted Kennedy, you will continue to lose elections, and lose them BIG.

If anybody's got the wool pulled over his eyes, it's you. You just keep on watching CNN and reading the MSM rags. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
pbslmo said:
So is that a depreciated deduction on the taxes, or did you just out right give it to them and not claim the deduction?
Clinton claimed his underwear as a deduction, so what's your point?
Kennedy is being ripped by his own party now and Alito just sided with the liberals on a death penalty case. I have to go to church and make sure that we don't have another Breyer/Souter on our hands. I will freak for sure if that is how it turns out to be. I am hoping he realized there were already 5 votes so his wouldn't matter on the dissent so joining the majority takes some heat off. I'm hoping that is what happened. Aaaargh.

pbslmo said:
So is that a depreciated deduction on the taxes, or did you just out right give it to them and not claim the deduction?

I gave two of them outright and claimed the third one. Actually I claimed 33% of the third one because they had no ideal what it is worth. And I did not have the heart to go back to them and ask them to revise thier donation letter. I paid in over $10000 in taxes in 2005 and am looking at maybe a $1000 return. I believe that I have paid my fair share. Every year I forego many dollars in deductions because I wish to feel as if I am doing just a little to reduce the deficit. I donate many hours of my time to help those in need. And I provide financial assistance to some of my family members so that they do not have to become a part of the system that keeps taking and never gives anything in return. I do my part, can you say the same??
somone told me something about bush getting impeached for treason because he could of bought oil for one lump some and instead he said no in order for his refinerys to do the work
this is just something i heard and i figured u guys would give me the informatiion im looking for
Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Democrats' Dans Macabré
John L. Perry
Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2006

Democratic politicians' reaction to President Bush's State of the Union address couldn't have benefited Republicans more if Karl Rove had orchestrated it himself.

Who knows? Maybe he did. Ever since George W. Bush first began running for president under Rove's astute tutelage, the Democratic Party has done just about everything humanly possible to help Bush get elected and succeed once in the White House.

The cockeyed political strategizing and artless antics of Al Gore and John Kerry, along with a flock of other hopeless Democratic losers, is, upon reflection, possibly the most self-destructive exhibition of dumb-bunny politics since Republicans thought they could defeat Franklin D. Roosevelt by bad-mouthing him and playing reactionary defense.

The puerile behavior of Democratic members of Congress at Bush's fifth State of the Union address really sums up the abyss into which their party has lurched itself– with Rove's patient goosing.

What Did She Expect?

Indeed, the Democratic over-the-horizon left couldn't even wait for the president to begin his address to disport itself.

One of California's lefty-loony sympathizers, Rep. Lynn Woolsey, handed out to pathetic Cindy Sheehan, on the pledge of good behavior, the lone visitor's pass to which a member of the House of Representatives is entitled. It was like pressing a bottle of rot-gut into the paw of a San Francisco street bum and saying, "Now, promise you'll drink responsibly."

Cindy's timing was, as usual, a little off, and 15 minutes too early she whipped off her hooded jacket, exposing her anti-war T-shirt, tried to drape a protest flag over the balcony rail and began braying her hard-line Marxist diatribe. Out she was marched in handcuffs, an unconvincing victim of police-state brutality.

The president arrived, shaking hands all around – including of course with some of the camera-addicted Democratic lawgivers who have called him every dirty name in the book between howling for his impeachment.

In light of what followed, the Democrats in the House chamber would have come off better had they behaved themselves and let incendiary Cindy keep right on doing her over-the-cuckoo's-nest worst.

Reflexes of Self-Destruction

Poor Democrats, the president had them coming and going. The television lens revealed it all. Whenever Bush made a point – and he received 58 standing ovations by appreciative Republican senators and representatives – the Democratic side of the aisle sat on their hands, scowling for all the world like resentful funeral attendees who had been left out of the will.

One can only wonder if they had the smarts to suspect the funeral might be their own, politically.

What were they possibly thinking? There stood the president of the United States, saying all those things that had to have registered well with the overwhelming majority of Americans, and there sat the grumpy Democrats, aligning themselves on the losing side every time.

They even outdid themselves when they leaped to their feet, applauding like crazy, when Bush reminded the country that Congress had rejected his attempt last year to save Social Security for the old folks.

This may have been the first time in American history that a major political party has had the stupidity to stand up in witness of its disdain for the elderly. Whatever happened to good, old "honor thy father and mother"?

Hatred at Any Price

What this illustrated was a political party gone so far off its trolley that it cannot wait to commit suicide publicly in order to gratify its hate lust for the opposition. It was reactionary politics at its rawest.

There was a time when Republicans were regarded as the party of reaction. No longer. The leftist fanatics who have now hijacked the Democratic Party have stolen that canard all for themselves.

There have to be, there must be, surely there are Democrats out there who have not lost their senses, who have not surrendered their decency, who have not cast aside all civility.

They have a duty – not just to what's left of their historic party, but to the nation, which really does need a functioning two-party system – to do what it takes to rescue the Democratic Party from the kidnappers.

What an opportunity is now presented to decent Democrats. It is rare indeed that one of the two great political parties has virtually destroyed itself, leaving the door wide open to rescue and reform by honorable men and women.

Last Chance

If Democrats of good will and sanity want to provide alternative programs, here is their big chance. Recent elections have shown they get nowhere attacking the character, hurling outright falsehoods and throwing temper tantrums.

They are going to have to find a clear and worthy alternative course, articulate it without rancor and field candidates who care more for America than they do for self-aggrandizement.

Will it happen? No, not until the far left has destroyed what remains of the party it has infected with a death virus. There is too much money behind the promoters of the left-over Marxist agenda, too many Democrats willing to take that money in order (they think) to stay in office, even while this is the quack medicine that is killing them politically.

Just as the door is now wide open to Democrats to make a new beginning, it is also wide open to Republicans to forge a party with a base consistent with Republican values and broad enough to welcome all of the center-right within the nation's mainstream.

It can be done. Bush has shown them the way, and his party would do well to listen as well as applaud.

Dancing the Last Dance

Will it happen? Probably, but nothing is for certain. In their death throes, the Democrats who have been so haughty and disrespectful may yet be able to squeeze out an electoral victory here and there.

But what the world saw at the 2006 State of the Union address was the beginning of the Democrats' dance of death. It is noteworthy that the dictionary describes such a dans macabré as "tending to produce horror in a beholder."

For Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike it was, indeed, a horror to behold. Like death, not everything about rebirth is always pretty.

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on White House staffs of two presidents, is a regular columnist for NewsMax.com.

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