I would agree with buford
the truth doesnt change, only the perception of it;
there is a huge difference. what we perceive to be truth doesnt count as "truth" until it passes tests over and over, beyond doubt. only time will tell.
when science for thousands of years said that the sun, moon, stars and planets revolved around the earth, was it truth? at the time, that "science" may have worked to a certain degree, but it did fail quite often because it simply wasnt truth; it was very flawed. today we have a much better idea of the truth in that type of science and other sciences, and look at how much it benefits us now. The same will happen for our freedom when we understand philosophical truths much better.
and as far as what is morally right and wrong, yes, many religions try to interperate what is right and wrong. but, the reality of what IS right and wrong still doesnt change; only the interpretation of it. moral right and wrong is integral of truth. they are inseperable. actually they are one in the same. truth dictates what is and what ought to be.
and i agree, moral objectivity can not be satisfactorily legislated by world powers or governments. History shows us this. Yes we must have laws, and consequences, but the government has to come from the understanding of what really is (truth) and exercised by the individual (self governance). This is the only way people can be free. If we can not govern ourselves, then we become intolerable. if we can not tolerate each other than we deny each other freedom. we demand laws to govern our annoying neighbors, but those laws progress to opress our children.
of course this sounds impossible because it can seem impossible to fully know all absolute truth. but we dont need to understand everything to begin. just as learning truth is a progression towards wisdom, learning self governance is a progression towards freedom. it is actually ONLY by exercising self governance and a willingness to learn truth that we begin to learn and be free. By denying that there even is absolute truth, we never start and we get nowhere.
America was founded on some of the principles and truths that was learned from thier prior mistakes. the founders believed in absolute truth and moral objectivity. The govt. was drawn up to be very minimal, and this govt. relied implicitly on the self governance of each individual in order for it to work properly. Ya they made mistakes, and they corrected some mistakes. then they made new ones. now we have a country that is trying to reject the truths and values it was built on, denying that there even is such a thing as absolute truth and moral objectivity, and declining as a result.