Bush 'took Cocaine At Camp David'


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Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
Sep 6 2004

And wife Laura liked dope, says book

By Emma Pryer

GEORGE W Bush snorted cocaine at Camp David, a new book claims.

His wife Laura also allegedly tried cannabis in her youth.​

Author Kitty Kelley says in her biography The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, that the US President first used coke at university in the mid-1960s.​

She quotes his former sister-in-law Sharon Bush who claims: "Bush did coke at Camp David when his father was President, and not just once either."​

Other acquaintances allege that as a 26-year-old National Guard, Bush "liked to sneak out back for a joint or into the bathroom for a line of cocaine".​

Bush has admitted being an alcoholic but, asked during the 1999 election if he did drugs, he said: "I've told the American people that years ago I made some mistakes.​

"I've learned from my mistakes and should I be fortunate enough to become president I will bring dignity and honour to the office."​

Later an aide clarified his remarks saying Bush hadn't taken illegal drugs in the past 25 years.​

Kelley says that the Bush family covered up scandals because of their wealth and influence. She claims George W started drinking at school and continued at Yale university to overcome shyness.​

Former student Torbery George says in the book: "Poor Georgie. He couldn't relate to women unless he was loaded."​

Another says: "He went out of his way to act crude. It's amazing someone you held in such low esteem later became president."​

His supporters have slammed the allegations as outrageous.​

The White House said: "This book appears to be filled with the same trash discredited years ago."​

-BILL Clinton has joked he will try to be happy about his heart bypass operation. The ex-president said on his website: "This sure isn't how we planned to spend Labor Day weekend but we're doing our best to enjoy it."​

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Book: Bush once snorted cocaine at Camp David
By Jennifer Rosinski
Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Shocking accusations that President Bush [related, bio] snorted cocaine at Camp David when his father was in the White House have surfaced in a racy new book by celeb author Kitty Kelley about the powerful family.

``Bush did coke at Camp David when his father was president, and not just once either,'' Kelley quotes former sister-in-law Sharon Bush as saying, according The Daily Mirror of London.

The president first dabbled in drugs in the mid-1960s while at Yale and later snorted cocaine or smoked marijuana while in the National Guard, according to Kelley's new biography, ``The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty.''

The book, to be released later this month, also alleged first lady Laura Bush smoked pot in her youth.

An admitted alcoholic, Bush started drinking to overcome shyness, the Mirror reports.

``Poor Georgie. He couldn't relate to women unless he was loaded,'' former schoolmate Torbery George said in the book.

Bush aides have said the president hasn't used an illegal drug in 25 years.

``I've told the American people that years ago I made some mistakes,'' he said when asked during the 2000 campaign if he'd done drugs, according to the Mirror.

``I've learned from my mistakes and should I be fortunate enough to become president I will bring dignity and honor to the office.''

The White House told the Mirror the book is filled with ``trash discredited years ago.''

I find it funny how they rail on Laura Bush for smoking weed... Sorry, but a DAMN large portion of America smokes recreationally. I bet half the guys who wrote/edited/published the book snort blow or smoke weed.
CaptainZilog said:
I find it funny how they rail on Laura Bush for smoking weed... Sorry, but a DAMN large portion of America smokes recreationally. I bet half the guys who wrote/edited/published the book snort blow or smoke weed.

lol... funny thing is you're probably right lol

"weed's not a drug... you ever suck #### for weed?" :lol:
SC_Steve said:
"weed's not a drug... you ever suck #### for weed?" :lol:

LOL, Chris Rock, right?

While I doubt GW was the first to do cola at Camp David, I find it hypocritical that, after 8 yrs of Clinton trying to live down the "I didn't inhale" comment, GW is catching little to no flack about his drug useage. This must be acceptable, almost expected behavior for a Republican, eh?
Kitty Kelley was destroyed this morning on the Today show. The media doesn't even believe her. She's a joke, and whoever believes her is living in crazy world.

Clinton got flack for so long because it was funny. Everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Saturday Night Live made fun of that one. I personally thought it was a non-issue then, and now.
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Publishers are pretty good about making sure book authors have valid sources for such info....... True or not, you can bet there can be a case made in defense of the allegations in the book
Quit spreading falsehoods. Kitty Kelly is a fiction writer and her book is based on a 4 hour conversation she had with Bush's sister, who has come out and denounced everything in the book. The emperor (Kelly) has no clothes.
MonsterMark said:
Quit spreading falsehoods. Kitty Kelly is a fiction writer and her book is based on a 4 hour conversation she had with Bush's sister, who has come out and denounced everything in the book. The emperor (Kelly) has no clothes.

Yea I dont hold weed smoking against anyone, I think its less dangerous then liquor. But coke is bad imo. I honestly think weed should be legalized. It would stop alot of people from goin to prison over something that is less imparring then liquor. When prisons are over crowded already and they let alot more serious offenders off early because of overcrowding.

They need to just press the super hard drugs, coke & crack, meth, acid, ect.... Weed is the drug that is most wide spread in use im sure, think of the underground market that would be uplifted and now be taxable money if it were legalized, along with the major major sift in Drug enforcement to go after hard drugs instead of marijauna. After all there is alot of time spent on marijauna now because it is the most widespread use and comes with tons of money and huge loads if found, so good for buissness of fighting war on drugs but not actually effective. With how many ppl think marijauna is ok, it will be impossible to ever erradicate it from use unless the u.s. was somehow able to control all the world to stop growning it.
Let’s put this in perspective

We have had presidents that think the oval office is under a dress between some creamy smooth thighs, One that was well known for being drunk more often than not during his entire term in office, a few that would get on their knees and pray to George Washington’s painting for advise and even one that shot a man on the White House front lawn. In perspective a little dab of cocaine isn’t so bad after all is it?

Besides, I’m sure OUR president did it in the interest of the American people so he could make faster decisions. hahaha But at least he KNOWS how to make a decision. It makes me wonder, what the hell were the Democrats thinking when they nominated “a liberal” and “a flip-flopper” John Kerry for the Presidency? Jim Kerry would stand a better chance of getting elected.
They won't admit their mistake and wait another 4 years. :Bang

That is the sad part and why I am so furious. :mad:

I don't dislike anyone for having a different view than me.argue2

In fact, I usually hold more respect for them upholding their principles.

How do you think I can put up with Joey? We agree, and we disagree.:F

But at the end of the day, we can always go out and have a :Beer .
MonsterMark said:
They won't admit their mistake and wait another 4 years. :Bang

That is the sad part and why I am so furious. :mad:

I don't dislike anyone for having a different view than me.argue2

In fact, I usually hold more respect for them upholding their principles.

How do you think I can put up with Joey? We agree, and we disagree.:F

But at the end of the day, we can always go out and have a :Beer .

Yea Monstermark may support the wrong canidate but I dont hate him for it =) hehehe had to throw that in :biggrin:

I am very sad though honestly cause I really dont like either canidate. But I still like Kerry slighty more.... Just cause I know what Bush will do in office, I dont feel Kerry could do much worse. (very generalized statement cause I dont need to write a book in this 1 topic on why I feel this way specifically)
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Punisher said:
Just cause I know what Bush will do in office, I dont feel Kerry could do much worse. (very generalized statement cause I dont need to write a book in this 1 topic on why I feel this way specifically)
There you go again, "anyone but Bush" . . .
Kbob said:
There you go again, "anyone but Bush" . . .

LOL Nah I couldnt do that, It hasnt even been a year since I repainted my front end. :gr_devil:
Punisher said:
LOL Nah I couldnt do that, It hasnt even been a year since I repainted my front end. :gr_devil:
That's a sweet ride you got, btw.
The swfit boat veterans were there, most of what Kitty Kelly writes is :bsflag: . :L
How do you think I can put up with Joey?

HEY NOW!!!!!!!!!

Ok, if Kerry loses -- why dont you tell me this --- what is GW gonna do?

Oh, and if Kerry loses, you know who the nominee in 2008 will be dont you? Clinton! MRS Clinton. And I would have to think about voting for bush for a third term if that happens.........
Joeychgo said:
Oh, and if Kerry loses, you know who the nominee in 2008 will be dont you? Clinton! MRS Clinton. And I would have to think about voting for bush for a third term if that happens.........
hahaha, I may have to register as a Democrat for that election to do all I can to make sure she's not even on the ballot, lol!
Kbob, you know she is going to run that is the reason she moved to New York. :cool:
Joey, do you really believe that George W smoked cocaine, it looks like the democrats are getting desperate.
pepperman said:
Joey, do you really believe that George W smoked cocaine, it looks like the democrats are getting desperate.

I dont know if he smoked it, but I believe hes done it in the past. Maybe when he was quite young but..... Do I honestly care? No. I dont hold that against him at all. If he did it now, that would be different. I think most people go through life and try some things, and you learn from it hopefully.
Chris Matthews had Kitty Kelley on his show, Hardball, on MSNBC tonight. He made her look like an idiot as well, but he was gentle about it. He even told her he was trying to be "nice". He basically boiled down the entire book, including the drug usage claims, into an opinion and at the end of the interview he told the tv audience "let the buyer beware."

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