Bushes' 'holiday' cards ring hollow for some


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
By Alan Cooperman

Updated: 6:00 a.m. ET Dec. 7, 2005
What's missing from the White House Christmas card? Christmas.

This month, as in every December since he took office, President Bush sent out cards with a generic end-of-the-year message, wishing 1.4 million of his close friends and supporters a happy "holiday season."

Many people are thrilled to get a White House Christmas card, no matter what the greeting inside. But some conservative Christians are reacting as if Bush stuck coal in their stockings.

"This clearly demonstrates that the Bush administration has suffered a loss of will and that they have capitulated to the worst elements in our culture," said William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.

Bush "claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian. But he sure doesn't act like one," said Joseph Farah, editor of the conservative Web site WorldNetDaily.com. "I threw out my White House card as soon as I got it."

Religious conservatives are miffed because they have been pressuring stores to advertise Christmas sales rather than "holiday specials" and urging schools to let students out for Christmas vacation rather than for "winter break." They celebrated when House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) insisted that the sparkling spectacle on the Capitol lawn should be called the Capitol Christmas Tree, not a holiday spruce.

'Sent to people of all faiths'
Then along comes a generic season's greeting from the White House, paid for by the Republican National Committee. The cover art is also secular, if not humanist: It shows the presidential pets -- two dogs and a cat -- frolicking on a snowy White House lawn.

"Certainly President and Mrs. Bush, because of their faith, celebrate Christmas," said Susan Whitson, Laura Bush's press secretary. "Their cards in recent years have included best wishes for a holiday season, rather than Christmas wishes, because they are sent to people of all faiths."

That is the same rationale offered by major retailers for generic holiday catalogues, and it is accepted by groups such as the National Council of Churches. "I think it's more important to put Christ back into our war planning than into our Christmas cards," said the council's general secretary, the Rev. Bob Edgar, a former Democratic congressman.

But the White House's explanation does not satisfy the groups -- which have grown in number in recent years -- that believe there is, in the words of the Heritage Foundation, a "war on Christmas" involving an "ever-stronger push toward a neutered 'holiday' season so that non-Christians won't be even the slightest bit offended."

One of the generals on the pro-Christmas side is Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association in Tupelo, Miss. "Sometimes it's hard to tell whether this is sinister -- it's the purging of Christ from Christmas -- or whether it's just political correctness run amok," he said. "I think in the case of the White House, it's just political correctness."

Retail boycotts
Wildmon does not give retailers the same benefit of the doubt. This year, he has called for a consumer boycott of Target stores because the chain issued a holiday advertising circular that did not mention Christmas. Last year, he aimed a similar boycott at Macy's Inc., which averted a repeat this December by proclaiming "Merry Christmas" in its advertising and in-store displays.

"It bothers me that the White House card leaves off any reference to Jesus, while we've got Ramadan celebrations in the White House," Wildmon said. "What's going on there?"
Wait...I'm 29 years old and it's always been "Happy Holidays". Some people need to realize that there are more than just Christians in this country. But on that same account...having a Ramadan/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa celebration and not having a Christmas one is BS. Just have a freakin Holiday celebration and quit bitching.
FreeFaller said:
Wait...I'm 29 years old and it's always been "Happy Holidays". Some people need to realize that there are more than just Christians in this country. But on that same account...having a Ramadan/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa celebration and not having a Christmas one is BS. Just have a freakin Holiday celebration and quit bitching.

I find it amazing how the simple, narrow-minded people of this country just can't seem to grasp the concept that "Merry Christmas" is EXCLUSIVE terminology while "Happy Holidays" is INCLUSIVE. Even the shrubbies' hero GW can see that. I get a kick whenever I catch the RWW blowhards on TV like O'Riley and Newt stroking each other's meat about how the ACLU is trying to "take Jesus out of Xmas". What a maroon.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I find it amazing how the simple, narrow-minded people of this country just can't seem to grasp the concept that "Merry Christmas" is EXCLUSIVE terminology while "Happy Holidays" is INCLUSIVE. Even the shrubbies' hero GW can see that. I get a kick whenever I catch the RWW blowhards on TV like O'Riley and Newt stroking each other's meat about how the ACLU is trying to "take Jesus out of Xmas". What a maroon.

Ya O'riley is a dumb ass he was the first to say how big oil was f`ing us
He's also an a-hole for exposing the how ez child Molesters are getting off. right?
I lived 3 doors down for a (former) Ester With out guys like Bill O' thier would be
a megens law becuse the ACLU would put a stop to it.

and the ACLU was a good thing years ago but now it kind gone in the crapper
FreeFaller said:
Wait...I'm 29 years old and it's always been "Happy Holidays". Some people need to realize that there are more than just Christians in this country. But on that same account...having a Ramadan/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa celebration and not having a Christmas one is BS. Just have a freakin Holiday celebration and quit bitching.

Words of wisdom...............
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I find it amazing how the simple, narrow-minded people of this country just can't seem to grasp the concept that "Merry Christmas" is EXCLUSIVE terminology while "Happy Holidays" is INCLUSIVE. Even the shrubbies' hero GW can see that. I get a kick whenever I catch the RWW blowhards on TV like O'Riley and Newt stroking each other's meat about how the ACLU is trying to "take Jesus out of Xmas". What a maroon.

I find it amazing how arrogant you are. Those who would uphold the traditions that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson founded the country on are simple and narrow-minded, while people like you who would eliminate God from our country in the name of 'separation of church and state' are considered progressives. This is elitism and counterculture at its core.
fossten said:
I find it amazing how arrogant you are. Those who would uphold the traditions that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson founded the country on are simple and narrow-minded, while people like you who would eliminate God from our country in the name of 'separation of church and state' are considered progressives. This is elitism and counterculture at its core.

Why does this keep coming up? No one is saying you cannot worship God. In your own thread/pole, you state that 86% of Americans believe in God, even if every single person of that 14% who doesn't believe tried to eliminate God, guess what, they would fail.
95DevilleNS said:
Why does this keep coming up? No one is saying you cannot worship God. In your own thread/pole, you state that 86% of Americans believe in God, even if every single person of that 14% who doesn't believe tried to eliminate God, guess what, they would fail.

Ummm...it came up this time because Rich posted this thread.

Anyway, I was talking to johnny about his arrogant, elitist, pejorative comment.
fossten said:
Ummm...it came up this time because Rich posted this thread.

Anyway, I was talking to johnny about his arrogant, elitist, pejorative comment.

Ah, ok...... But you do realize no one is saying you can't worship God? That wasn't what the post was about.
95DevilleNS said:
Ah, ok...... But you do realize no one is saying you can't worship God? That wasn't what the post was about.

Ummm...did I even say that? No I DON'T THINK SO. Stop taking your cues from Raveneyes and quit twisting my words to mean what you want them to mean.
fossten said:
Ummm...did I even say that? No I DON'T THINK SO. Stop taking your cues from Raveneyes and quit twisting my words to mean what you want them to mean.

Ummm... You did say "while people like you who would eliminate God from our country"...... Key word there eliminate, but if you don't feel people are trying to say you can't worship, then no need to argue.
95DevilleNS said:
Ummm... You did say "while people like you who would eliminate God from our country"...... Key word there eliminate, but if you don't feel people are trying to say you can't worship, then no need to argue.

No. You're twisting my words to mean something else. I'm sure everybody else sees it except you, so I'm not going to repeat it all over again.
fossten said:
No. You're twisting my words to mean something else. I'm sure everybody else sees it except you, so I'm not going to repeat it all over again.

Main Entry: elim·i·nate
Pronunciation: i-'li-m&-"nAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -nat·ed; -nat·ing
Etymology: Latin eliminatus, past participle of eliminare, from e- + limin-, limen threshold
1 a : to cast out or get rid of : REMOVE, ERADICATE <the need to eliminate poverty> b : to set aside as unimportant : IGNORE
2 : to expel (as waste) from the living body
3 : to cause (as an unknown) to disappear by combining two or more mathematical equations

Have it your way.....
I got one of those Christmas cards and I wasn't offended. I thought the "Happy Holidays" on the outside was appropriate, but inside it did have a biblical quote- I think it was pslams....

I don't think this issue is anything like "holiday trees" or the other attacks on Christmas that do take place.
95DevilleNS said:
Main Entry: elim·i·nate
Pronunciation: i-'li-m&-"nAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -nat·ed; -nat·ing
Etymology: Latin eliminatus, past participle of eliminare, from e- + limin-, limen threshold
1 a : to cast out or get rid of : REMOVE, ERADICATE <the need to eliminate poverty> b : to set aside as unimportant : IGNORE
2 : to expel (as waste) from the living body
3 : to cause (as an unknown) to disappear by combining two or more mathematical equations

Have it your way.....

Funny how "restrict from WORSHIP" isn't in that definition...
buddylee said:
Ya O'riley is a dumb ass he was the first to say how big oil was f`ing us
He's also an a-hole for exposing the how ez child Molesters are getting off. right?
I lived 3 doors down for a (former) Ester With out guys like Bill O' thier would be
a megens law becuse the ACLU would put a stop to it.

and the ACLU was a good thing years ago but now it kind gone in the crapper

Yeah, Bill does have his moments, but for the most part hes a whacko like Rush that always ends up grasping to the typical RWW tactic of attacking the "far left" and ends up looking like an a-hole like you said, LMFAO.
Calabrio said:
I got one of those Christmas cards and I wasn't offended. I thought the "Happy Holidays" on the outside was appropriate, but inside it did have a biblical quote- I think it was pslams....

I don't think this issue is anything like "holiday trees" or the other attacks on Christmas that do take place.

I didn't get one how do you rate!

But I do agree with you. But it is funny that the very conservative Christians are complaining.!
fossten said:
I find it amazing how arrogant you are. Those who would uphold the traditions that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson founded the country on are simple and narrow-minded, while people like you who would eliminate God from our country in the name of 'separation of church and state' are considered progressives. This is elitism and counterculture at its core.

Ah, I see things haven't changed much around here, your reading comprehension hasn't improved one iota. Did you drop out of class again?

FYI, our founding fathers based this country on a firm foundation of freedom, which INCLUDES religion. So from your words, you MUST be lumping George W. Bush into the same group of people, eh? How's your shoe taste now?? No one here is suggesting anything remotely like what you are implying they are saying, ("eliminate God from our country"), talk about putting words in someone else's mouth, you remain a foolish HYPOCRITE!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Ah, I see things haven't changed much around here, your reading comprehension hasn't improved one iota. Did you drop out of class again?

FYI, our founding fathers based this country on a firm foundation of freedom, which INCLUDES religion. So from your words, you MUST be lumping George W. Bush into the same group of people, eh? How's your shoe taste now?? No one here is suggesting anything remotely like what you are implying they are saying, ("eliminate God from our country"), talk about putting words in someone else's mouth, you remain a foolish HYPOCRITE!

Name-caller to the end, you still take your cues from the traitor John Kerry and his 5th-grade-level debate tactics. Your hate oozes out of the screen and into my atmosphere. Must be hard to be you.

Everything you just said is baloney. Your libwack friends have already succeeded in eliminating references to God from our schools and public buildings. What's next? If anybody's against freedom of religion, it's people like YOU.
fossten said:
Funny how "restrict from WORSHIP" isn't in that definition...

Lol, I repeat, you said "try to eliminate God"... Obviously if you erradicate, remove, cast out (see definition of eliminate) God, you restrict (eliminate) worship. You would need God in order to worship, not sure what else you would be worshipping if not God.
95DevilleNS said:
Lol, I repeat, you said "try to eliminate God"... Obviously if you erradicate, remove, cast out (see definition of eliminate) God, you restrict (eliminate) worship. You would need God in order to worship, not sure what else you would be worshipping if not God.

Well, thanks for defining it for me. Your attempts to put words in my mouth fall nothing short of workmanlike.
fossten said:
Name-caller to the end, you still blah.... blah..... blah......

Everything you just said is baloney. Blah....... blah ...... blah.

Even the part about the FACT this country was founded on FREEDOM??

Go away my clueless friend. You have ZERO credibility here.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Even the part about the FACT this country was founded on FREEDOM??

Go away my clueless friend. You have ZERO credibility here.

Your definition of FREEDOM is to make sure God isn't spoken anywhere in this country. That's religious repression.
fossten said:
Your definition of FREEDOM is to make sure God isn't spoken anywhere in this country. That's religious repression.

I fail to understand why you continue to attempt to put words in the mouths of other people. If you had any valid insight to their thought processes, I might be able to see how you might be able to claim that you are helping to "clarify" their words. But coming from a totally clueless person with no credibility whatsoever............. just save your breath.

MY definition of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is making sure ANY GOD may be spoken about or prayed to in this country. Take a look in the mirror before you start claiming someone ELSE is fostering religious repression.

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