Bush's hometown paper endorses...


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Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Kerry Will Restore American Dignity
2004 Iconoclast Presidential Endorsement

Few Americans would have voted for George W. Bush four years ago if he had promised that, as President, he would:
? Empty the Social Security trust fund by $507 billion to help offset fiscal irresponsibility and at the same time slash Social Security benefits.
? Cut Medicare by 17 percent and reduce veterans? benefits and military pay.
? Eliminate overtime pay for millions of Americans and raise oil prices by 50 percent.
? Give tax cuts to businesses that sent American jobs overseas, and, in fact, by policy encourage their departure.
? Give away billions of tax dollars in government contracts without competitive bids.
? Involve this country in a deadly and highly questionable war, and
? Take a budget surplus and turn it into the worst deficit in the history of the United States, creating a debt in just four years that will take generations to repay.
These were elements of a hidden agenda that surfaced only after he took office.
The publishers of The Iconoclast endorsed Bush four years ago, based on the things he promised, not on this smoke-screened agenda.
Today, we are endorsing his opponent, John Kerry, based not only on the things that Bush has delivered, but also on the vision of a return to normality that Kerry says our country needs.
Four items trouble us the most about the Bush administration: his initiatives to disable the Social Security system, the deteriorating state of the American economy, a dangerous shift away from the basic freedoms established by our founding fathers, and his continuous mistakes regarding terrorism and Iraq.
President Bush has announced plans to change the Social Security system as we know it by privatizing it, which when considering all the tangents related to such a change, would put the entire economy in a dramatic tailspin.
The Social Security Trust Fund actually lends money to the rest of the government in exchange for government bonds, which is how the system must work by law, but how do you later repay Social Security while you are running a huge deficit? It?s impossible, without raising taxes sometime in the future or becoming fiscally responsible now. Social Security money is being used to escalate our deficit and, at the same time, mask a much larger government deficit, instead of paying down the national debt, which would be a proper use, to guarantee a future gain.
Privatization is problematic in that it would subject Social Security to the ups, downs, and outright crashes of the Stock Market. It would take millions in brokerage fees and commissions out of the system, and, unless we have assurance that the Ivan Boeskys and Ken Lays of the world will be caught and punished as a deterrent, subject both the Market and the Social Security Fund to fraud and market manipulation, not to mention devastate and ruin multitudes of American families that would find their lives lost to starvation, shame, and isolation.
Kerry wants to keep Social Security, which each of us already owns. He says that the program is manageable, since it is projected to be solvent through 2042, with use of its trust funds. This would give ample time to strengthen the economy, reduce the budget deficit the Bush administration has created, and, therefore, bolster the program as needed to fit ever-changing demographics.
Our senior citizens depend upon Social Security. Bush?s answer is radical and uncalled for, and would result in chaos as Americans have never experienced. Do we really want to risk the future of Social Security on Bush by spinning the wheel of uncertainty?
In those dark hours after the World Trade Center attacks, Americans rallied together with a new sense of patriotism. We were ready to follow Bush?s lead through any travail.
He let us down.
When he finally emerged from his hide-outs on remote military bases well after the first crucial hours following the attack, he gave sound-bytes instead of solutions.
He did not trust us to be ready to sacrifice, build up our public and private security infrastructure, or cut down on our energy use to put economic pressure on the enemy in all the nations where he hides. He merely told us to shop, spend, and pretend nothing was wrong.
Rather than using the billions of dollars expended on the invasion of Iraq to shore up our boundaries and go after Osama bin Laden and the Saudi Arabian terrorists, the funds were used to initiate a war with what Bush called a more immediate menace, Saddam Hussein, in oil-rich Iraq. After all, Bush said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction trained on America. We believed him, just as we believed it when he reported that Iraq was the heart of terrorism. We trusted him.
The Iconoclast, the President?s hometown newspaper, took Bush on his word and editorialized in favor of the invasion. The newspaper?s publisher promoted Bush and the invasion of Iraq to Londoners in a BBC interview during the time that the administration was wooing the support of Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Again, he let us down.
We presumed the President had solid proof of the existence of these weapons, what and where they were, even as the search continued. Otherwise, our troops would be in much greater danger and the premise for a hurried-up invasion would be moot, allowing more time to solicit assistance from our allies.
Instead we were duped into following yet another privileged agenda.
Now he argues unconvincingly that Iraq was providing safe harbor to terrorists, his new key justification for the invasion. It is like arguing that America provided safe harbor to terrorists leading to 9/11.
Once and for all, George Bush was President of the United States on that day. No one else. He had been President nine months, he had been officially warned of just such an attack a full month before it happened. As President, ultimately he and only he was responsible for our failure to avert those attacks.
We should expect that a sitting President would vacation less, if at all, and instead tend to the business of running the country, especially if he is, as he likes to boast, a ?wartime president.? America is in service 365 days a year. We don?t need a part-time President who does not show up for duty as Commander-In-Chief until he is forced to, and who is in a constant state of blameless denial when things don?t get done.
What has evolved from the virtual go-it-alone conquest of Iraq is more gruesome than a stain on a White House intern?s dress. America?s reputation and influence in the world has diminished, leaving us with brute force as our most persuasive voice.
Iraq is now a quagmire: no WMDs, no substantive link between Saddam and Osama, and no workable plan for the withdrawal of our troops. We are asked to go along on faith. But remember, blind patriotism can be a dangerous thing and ?spin? will not bring back to life a dead soldier; certainly not a thousand of them.
Kerry has remained true to his vote granting the President the authority to use the threat of war to intimidate Saddam Hussein into allowing weapons inspections. He believes President Bush rushed into war before the inspectors finished their jobs.
Kerry also voted against President Bush?s $87 billion for troop funding because the bill promoted poor policy in Iraq, privileged Halliburton and other corporate friends of the Bush administration to profiteer from the war, and forced debt upon future generations of Americans.
Kerry?s four-point plan for Iraq is realistic, wise, strong, and correct. With the help from our European and Middle Eastern allies, his plan is to train Iraqi security forces, involve Iraqis in their rebuilding and constitution-writing processes, forgive Iraq?s multi-billion dollar debts, and convene a regional conference with Iraq?s neighbors in order to secure a pledge of respect for Iraq?s borders and non-interference in Iraq?s internal affairs.
The publishers of the Iconoclast differ with Bush on other issues, including the denial of stem cell research, shortchanging veterans? entitlements, cutting school programs and grants, dictating what our children learn through a thought-controlling ?test? from Washington rather than allowing local school boards and parents to decide how young people should be taught, ignoring the environment, and creating extraneous language in the Patriot Act that removes some of the very freedoms that our founding fathers and generations of soldiers fought so hard to preserve.
We are concerned about the vast exportation of jobs to other countries, due in large part to policies carried out by Bush appointees. Funds previously geared at retention of small companies are being given to larger concerns, such as Halliburton ? companies with strong ties to oil and gas. Job training has been cut every year that Bush has resided at the White House.
Then there is his resolve to inadequately finance Homeland Security and to cut the Community Oriented Policing Program (COPS) by 94 percent, to reduce money for rural development, to slash appropriations for the Small Business Administration, and to under-fund veterans? programs.
Likewise troubling is that President Bush fought against the creation of the 9/11 Commission and is yet to embrace its recommendations.
Vice President Cheney?s Halliburton has been awarded multi-billion-dollar contracts without undergoing any meaningful bid process ? an enormous conflict of interest ? plus the company has been significantly raiding the funds of Export-Import Bank of America, reducing investment that could have gone toward small business trade.
When examined based on all the facts, Kerry?s voting record is enviable and echoes that of many Bush allies who are aghast at how the Bush administration has destroyed the American economy. Compared to Bush on economic issues, Kerry would be an arch-conservative, providing for Americans first. He has what it takes to right our wronged economy.
The re-election of George W. Bush would be a mandate to continue on our present course of chaos. We cannot afford to double the debt that we already have. We need to be moving in the opposite direction.
John Kerry has 30 years of experience looking out for the American people and can navigate our country back to prosperity and re-instill in America the dignity she so craves and deserves. He has served us well as a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and has had a successful career as a district attorney, lieutenant governor, and senator.
Kerry has a positive vision for America, plus the proven intelligence, good sense, and guts to make it happen.
That?s why The Iconoclast urges Texans not to rate the candidate by his hometown or even his political party, but instead by where he intends to take the country.
The Iconoclast wholeheartedly endorses John Kerry.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kerry Will Restore American Dignity! I love it!
This was already brought up in another thread. Look here: http://www.lincolnvscadillac.com/showthread.php?p=17433&highlight=crawford#post17433

I guess it wasn't high profile enough for you? Or you just don't have time to read since you're so busy posting all the negative threads. I did a count of negative threads against Kerry and negative threads against Bush in this forum. Almost a 2 to 1 advantage for Kerry here. No surprise, though. The real surprise is who is the #1 poster of negative threads. Congratulations 97silverlsc, you are the undisputed winner in that category. And you accomplished it in only 2 1/2 weeks.

By the way, Kerry's hometown paper has endorsed Bush. And my favorite line about Kerry from that article is: "we believe he's the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time."
Thanks!! The majority of the posts I've made are articles dealing with issues that should be important to anyone considering voting, not "Oh, look!! He had a secret weapon during the debate" posts or swiftboat nut for shrub stories. I admit I've thrown in some stories for their comedic value and some videos along the same lines, but for the most part I think they bring up important or ignored issues. Thanks again.
Bush Ad "Doublespeak" Leaves Out Some Context

It quotes negative comments from newspapers, but doesn't mention that they are editorial expressions of opinion.

A Bush ad that's been running heavily quotes various newspapers as saying Kerry engaged in "doublespeak" on Iraq, advocates tax increases that would "kill the recovery" and "waffled" on education reforms. The quotes are mostly accurate. Not mentioned, however, is that those statements are editorials -- not news reports. In other words they are opinions, not facts.

One bit of exaggeration in the ad: Kerry's stand on Bush's education reforms isn't the total flip-flop it portrays. The ad says Kerry now "opposes" the reforms he once voted for. In fact, Kerry says he still supports the goals of Bush's No Child Left Behind Act but wants some changes to improve it, and more money than Bush has provided.

One article quoted is not an editorial. The National Journal rated Kerry's voting record in 2003 the most liberal of any senator. The ad gets that right.

This ad was released April 21 but has been running heavily of late. We've had queries about it from our subscribers. It doesn't contain any blatant deceptions, but it does raise questions that call for elaboration and additional context.

Bush Cheney '04 Ad "Doublespeak"

Bush: I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message.

Announcer: John Kerry says, "A lot of people don't really know who I am."

Well, actually, a lot of people do.

Kerry's hometown paper says, "In his continuing effort to be all things to all voters . . . John Kerry is engaging in a level of doublespeak that makes most voters wince."

The Wall Street Journal said Kerry's tax plan "would mean increasing the tax burden again, which would likely kill the recovery."

On Iraq, The Washington Post said "Kerry's attempts to weave a thread connecting and justifying [his] positions are unconvincing."

The Union Leader says Kerry has "waffled" on historic education reforms he supported in 2001, but now opposes.

And the non-partisan National Journal magazine ranks Kerry the most liberal member of the Senate - more liberal than Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy.

John Kerry's problem is not that people don't know him. It's that people do.

"Kerry's Hometown Paper"

Not mentioned in the ad is that the "hometown paper" it quotes, the Boston Herald, endorsed Bush in the 2000 election, and that the same newspaper at other times has had glowing things to say about Kerry's leadership.

It is also a bit misleading to call the Herald "Kerry's hometown paper" in the first place. Actually, the Herald is the smaller of Boston's two daily newspapers. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulation, the Herald's average weekday circulation for the six months ended March 31 was 248,988. The larger Boston Globe's weekday circulation for the same period was 452,109. And on Sundays, the Globe outsells the Herald four-and-a-half to one.

The ad does quote the Herald editorial accurately and in context. The Herald was referring to Kerry's labored explanation of his vote against an $87-billion emergency supplemental appropriation for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kerry voted for a Democratic proposal, which was defeated, to fund the $87 billion by scaling back Bush's tax cuts. Then he voted against the appropriation itself.

Boston Herald editorial: (T)he Massachusetts senator slipped into Kerry-speak: "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it," he said. If that isn't enough to convince voters that Kerry is talking out of both sides of his mouth, we can't imagine what is.
In his continuing effort to be all things to all voters - for the Iraq war and against it; for providing support to the military and against it; for providing for an adequate defense and against it - John Kerry is engaging in a level of doublespeak that makes most voters wince.

Worth noting, however, is that even the Herald has had nice things to say about Kerry at times. It endorsed him last year for the Democratic nomination, saying:

Boston Herald editorial: Those of us in Massachusetts who know him best, have never doubted that Kerry is as capable a political leader as any who have sat in the U.S. Senate. . . . John Kerry as a presidential candidate remains a work in progress. But John Kerry as a solid, thoughtful political leader is a well-known commodity around these parts. It is that man, that leader, the Boston Herald is pleased to endorse for his party's presidential nomination.

Naturally, the Bush ad doesn't quote any of that editorial.

"Kill the Recovery?"

The statement that Kerry's tax plan "would likely kill the recovery" comes from the editoral page of the Wall Street Journal , which regularly expresses conservative, pro-Bush views and consistently opposes any tax increases. The editiorial is quoted accurately and in context. Here's a part of it:

Wall Street Journal editorial: The Clinton tax increases and the speculative fever drove government receipts to a peak of 20.8% of GDP. The Bush tax cuts and the bursting of the bubble have brought that figure down to about 16%. If rates are left as they are, as the economy accelerates revenues should stabilize near their postwar average of 18% of GDP.
Mr. Kerry's "fiscal responsibility" would mean increasing the tax burden again, which would likely kill the recovery. And by ruling out the reform of Social Security and Medicare, he makes it inevitable that the long-term fiscal situation will deteriorate rapidly after 2008, when baby boomers start to retire. At that, the call for tax hikes will become a roar.

Of course, it's a matter of opinion whether it would "kill the recovery" to repeal Bush's tax cuts for taxpayers earning over $200,000 a year, as Kerry proposes. The Journal gives no authority for that sweeping prediction. Another view is that continuing large deficits that have materialized under Bush now pose a threat to future economic growth. For example, in remarks May 6 to a banking conference, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan spoke of "our yawning federal deficit" and said it poses "a significant obstacle to long-term stability." Greenspan noted that the budget deficit is currently projected to equal more than 4% of US economic output, after being in surplus a few years ago. There was no mention of that in the Bush ad either, naturally.

Kerry's Iraq Position "Unconvincing?"
The Washington Post editorial criticizing Kerry's stands on Iraq is also quoted accurately in context. And this one comes from a newspaper that leans generally in favor of Democrats. The editorial appeared Feb. 15:

Washington Post editorial: The most important confusion surrounds Mr. Kerry's position on Iraq. In 1991 he voted against the first Persian Gulf War, saying more support was needed from Americans for a war that he believed would prove costly. In 1998, when President Clinton was considering military steps against Iraq, he strenuously argued for action, with or without allies. Four years later he voted for a resolution authorizing invasion but criticized Mr. Bush for not recruiting allies. Last fall he voted against funding for Iraqi reconstruction, but argued that the United States must support the establishment of a democratic government.

Mr. Kerry's attempts to weave a thread connecting and justifying all these positions are unconvincing. He would do better to offer a more honest accounting.

"Waffled" on Education?

The Bush ad relies on the Manchester, New Hampshire Union Leader -- one of the nation's most conservative newspapers -- for the charge that Kerry "waffled" and now "opposes" the education reforms he once supported. Actually, Kerry doesn't oppose Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, and states that he still supports its goals of greater accountability. What Kerry has often criticized is what he calls Bush's failure to provide enough money to fund the new requirements that the law places on states. Kerry also is calling for "changes" in the law that would rate school performance on "more than just test scores" and create "rewards" for states that set high standards to shoot for. Kerry says such states are now penalized if they fail to reach the standards, creating an incentive to set standards low.

The Union Leader did indeed accuse Kerry of having "waffled" to appease a large teachers union, but stopped short of accusing him of opposing the Bush reforms themselves, as the ad claims:

Manchester Union Leader editorial: Speaking before the New Hampshire chapter of the National Education Association last week, John Kerry waffled on his vote for the No Child Left Behind Act, which the teacher lobby hates. He can't pander to the group by bashing the bill because he voted for it. So he criticizes Bush for not fully funding it.

"Most Liberal?"

It is a fact as the ad states that the National Journal, a politically neutral periodical focusing on policy-makers in Washington, rated Kerry the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate based on his voting record in 2003. In fact, it was the fourth time in his Senate career that Kerry has been rated as having the most liberal voting record. The three other "most liberal" ratings came during his first Senate term, in 1986, 1988, and 1990. The National Journal has been rating members of both House and Senate on a liberal-conservative scale since 1981.

It's true that Kerry was absent (due to his presidential campaign schedule) for 37 of the 62 votes that the National Journal selected for their analysis. However, the publication said those missed votes were all in the areas of social policy and foreign policy, where Kerry "consistently took the liberal view within the Senate." On economic policy votes, the National Journal said Kerry earned a "perfect liberal score" last year.
Summing up: Overall, this ad rates fairly high for accuracy, in contrast with other Bush ads we've criticized as misleading. But it could lead voters to confuse editorial opinions with statements of fact.

Audit Bureau of Circulation, figures for Boston newspapers accessed from website on 24 May 2004.

Editorial; "How's that again, Senator?" Boston Herald 18 March 2004: A36.

Editorial: "Kerry as Fiscal Conservative," Wall Street Journal 9 April 2004: A8.

Alan Greenspan "Globalization and Innovation," remarks at the Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 6 May 2004.

Editorial endorsement: "Sen. John Kerry Dems' best leader," Boston Herald 22 Jan 2004: A30.

Editorial: "Waffle house: Democrats pander to special interests," The Union Leader 11 Aug. 2003: A10.

John Kerry, "Detailed Plan to Strengthen Public Schools," statement of education policy on campaign website, accessed 24 May 2004.

Richard Cohen, "How They Measured Up," 2003 VOTE RATINGS, National Journal 28 Feb 2004.

View Bush Cheney '04 ad "Doublespeak"
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97silverlsc said:
Thanks!! The majority of the posts I've made are articles dealing with issues that should be important to anyone considering voting, not "Oh, look!! He had a secret weapon during the debate" posts or swiftboat nut for shrub stories. I admit I've thrown in some stories for their comedic value and some videos along the same lines, but for the most part I think they bring up important or ignored issues. Thanks again.
No problem. I knew you'd be proud of the distinction. I'm more than glad to show your true colors. And don't forget that most of your "articles" are opinion pieces, not factual. Nothing like unoriginality.

EDIT: Kerry's hometown paper is Lowell, MA.
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I just caught this or I would have put it in my previous post last night. This is a line from the article you posted above, 97silverlsc:

"But it could lead voters to confuse editorial opinions with statements of fact."

Confuse, educate, they basically mean the same thing to you, don't they.
You should work for the Shrub/Sheeney campaign, cause you have a fine grasp on taking something out of context to make your point.
The article reads:"Most Liberal?"

It is a fact as the ad states that the National Journal, a politically neutral periodical focusing on policy-makers in Washington, rated Kerry the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate based on his voting record in 2003. In fact, it was the fourth time in his Senate career that Kerry has been rated as having the most liberal voting record. The three other "most liberal" ratings came during his first Senate term, in 1986, 1988, and 1990. The National Journal has been rating members of both House and Senate on a liberal-conservative scale since 1981.

It's true that Kerry was absent (due to his presidential campaign schedule) for 37 of the 62 votes that the National Journal selected for their analysis. However, the publication said those missed votes were all in the areas of social policy and foreign policy, where Kerry "consistently took the liberal view within the Senate." On economic policy votes, the National Journal said Kerry earned a "perfect liberal score" last year.
Summing up: Overall, this ad rates fairly high for accuracy, in contrast with other Bush ads we've criticized as misleading. But it could lead voters to confuse editorial opinions with statements of fact.

You, on the other hand, choose to post only the last sentence of the paragraph to make a twisted point.

If the articles I post bother so much, don't read them. Your childish responses to my posts, in an attempt to disprove them, only highlights how desparate the Shrub people are
97silverlsc said:
You, on the other hand, choose to post only the last sentence of the paragraph to make a twisted point.

If the articles I post bother so much, don't read them. Your childish responses to my posts, in an attempt to disprove them, only highlights how desparate the Shrub people are
So it's a twisted point to apply to you the standard that you apply to others, huh? I think the line I copied from that article whole heartedly applies to the majority of your threads, which are mostly "EDITORIAL OPINIONS". Sorry, but your "childish" retort just doesn't hold water. You are the one that is upset when your bogus threads are disputed. That is not my problem, that's yours. As I have stated often, you can post what you like, and so will I. I'm copying that line from the article you posted again for emphasis: "But it could lead voters to confuse editorial opinions with statements of fact."
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