Bush's Timber-Growing Company


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Bush got a laugh when he scoffed at Kerry's contention that he had received $84 from "a timber company." Said Bush, "I own a timber company? That's news to me."

In fact, according to his 2003 financial disclosure form, Bush does own part interest in "LSTF, LLC", a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales." (See "supporting documents" at right.)

So Bush was wrong to suggest that he doesn't have ownership of a timber company. And Kerry was correct in saying that Bush's definition of "small business" is so broad that Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business" in 2001 by virtue of the $84 in business income.

Kerry got his information from an article we posted Sept. 23 stating that Bush on his 2001 federal income-tax returns "reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise." We should clarify: the $84 in Schedule C income was from Bush's Lone Star Trust, which is actually described on the 2001 income-tax returns as an "oil and gas production" business. The Lone Star Trust now owns 50% of the tree-growing company, but didn't get into that business until two years after the $84 in question. So we should have described the $84 as coming from an "oil and gas" business in 2001, and will amend that in our earlier article.
mespock said:
And Kerry was correct in saying that Bush's definition of "small business" is so broad that Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business" in 2001 by virtue of the $84 in business income.
No, incorrect statement.

mespock said:
We should clarify: the $84 in Schedule C income was from Bush's Lone Star Trust, which is actually described on the 2001 income-tax returns as an "oil and gas production" business. The Lone Star Trust now owns 50% of the tree-growing company, but didn't get into that business until two years after the $84 in question.
So John Kerry lied when he tried to connect Bush to the $84.00. Haha, another pathetic attempt to what, accuse Bush of cutting down all the trees so he could benefit financially. Time to vote GreenPeace or something guys. The Democrats are making you look like fools.

And please look up the term, "blind trust". You may find it illuminating. Many people have blind trusts. Once you look up the meaning, then you'll understand Bush's response.

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Now I caught YOU distorting the truth.

From FactCheck.org

Kerry got his information from an article we posted Sept. 23 stating that Bush on his 2001 federal income-tax returns "reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise." We should clarify: the $84 in Schedule C income was from Bush's Lone Star Trust, which is actually described on the 2001 income-tax returns as an "oil and gas production" business. The Lone Star Trust now owns 50% of the tree-growing company, but didn't get into that business until two years after the $84 in question. So we should have described the $84 as coming from an "oil and gas" business in 2001, and will amend that in our earlier article.

Factcheck.org admits the mistake was THEIRS --- Kerry did NOT lie - and was reporting information in good faith, as factcheck.org admits. Saying Kerry lied is distorting things Bryan. Not cool. He did not lie.
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While we're at it - a few more distortions by bush -

  • [font=Arial, Helvetica]Bush said Kerry voted 98 times to "raise taxes" during his 19-year Senate career. But as we[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica]reported[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica] Aug. 30, the Bush campaign's list of votes includes 43 votes for budget measures that merely set targets for taxes without actually legislating changes to the tax code. And it counts multiple votes on the same bills, including 16 votes on the 1993 Clinton package of tax increases and spending cuts.[/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica]Bush once again claimed 900,000 "small businesses" would see a tax increase under Kerry's proposal to raise taxes only on persons making over $200,000 a year. As we showed[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica]earlier[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica], that's an inflated number. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center calculates that 471,000 small employers would see an increase in taxes.[/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica]Bush claimed that "we increased that child credit by $1,000," when in fact it has increased by half that much under his legislation. It was $500 before Bush took office, and his tax-cut bills doubled it.[/font]
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Joeychgo said:
[font=Arial, Helvetica]Bush claimed that "we increased that child credit by $1,000," when in fact it has increased by half that much under his legislation. It was $500 before Bush took office, and his tax-cut bills doubled it.[/font]
He must have pulled a Kerry then. I am sure that what he meant to say was the word 'to', but somehow the video recording of the debate distorted the syntax and it came out 'by'. Check it over yourself. I went to factcheck.org and that is what they said.
MonsterMark said:
He must have pulled a Kerry then. I am sure that what he meant to say was the word 'to', but somehow the video recording of the debate distorted the syntax and it came out 'by'. Check it over yourself. I went to factcheck.org and that is what they said.
I quoted it from factcheck.org.

I dont rely oin swift boat republicans for my info
Joeychgo said:
Factcheck.org admits the mistake was THEIRS --- Kerry did NOT lie - and was reporting information in good faith, as factcheck.org admits. Saying Kerry lied is distorting things Bryan. Not cool. He did not lie.
Intentionally misquoting false or misleading information is in itself false and misleading. Kerry has a habit of this. Just like his testimony in front of Congress in 1971, he falsely reported untruths as truths. He is on the record. Looks to me like somebody has to start fact checking factcheck.
MonsterMark said:
Intentionally misquoting false or misleading information is in itself false and misleading. Kerry has a habit of this. Just like his testimony in front of Congress in 1971, he falsely reported untruths as truths. He is on the record. Looks to me like somebody has to start fact checking factcheck.
No factcheck made an honest mistake. Kerry Made an statement relying on their information being accurate, which it generally is. Factcheck admitted their mistake. The only one caught distorting things here Bryan is YOU by making the blanket statement that Kerry lied.. Kerry did NOT lie - he acted in good faith.

In short Bryan, I got ya on this one buddy. :N

Please explain what Kerry's statement had to do with anything that was being discussed at the time of the debate.

It was simply a Democratic talking point that he had to toss in there to infere that Bush was cutting down trees.

In the end, it turns out to be another pathetic attempt to discredit the President.

Hey, here's some Q/A with Zell Miller... The real JFK is writhing in his grave right now, seeing what the once proud Democratic party has become.

Q: So you think that Bush can do a better job than Kerry in restoring jobs?

Miller: Yes, I do. Kerry's whole domestic policy is to tax, to spend, and to redistribute income. If you raise taxes, that's terrible for job creation. When you lower taxes, it's good for job creation.

Q: To say that Kerry's domestic policy is "to tax, to spend, to redistribute income" sounds kind of like the words of a Republican. Do you still consider yourself a Democrat?

Miller: Yes. When I vote for George Bush on November 2nd, that will be the first Republican that I've ever voted for anything in 52 years of voting. Of course I consider myself a Democrat. But I'm not a John Kerry Democrat. I'm a conservative Democrat. At one time, there were a lot of conservative Democrats. John F. Kennedy was a conservative democrat. John F. Kennedy was strong on national security and cut taxes. That's my kind of Democrat.

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