Buy my Mark so I can buy something to drive...

This is not the "for sale" section. That being said I will give you $400 for the car.
Fine, my apologies to you and everyone else. Can't delete so I'll just blank it out.
I only blame myself. Several months ago I needed a part very very bad and posted a thread here about the part I needed. I felt bad cause then people started posting up parts for sale/wanted in this section like crazy. I just hate to see it get mucked up with those threads when there is a specific place for them.

So really I appologize for starting that crap several months ago.
I'm in desperation mode, having to rent a car to get around to work, was hoping I would be able to recoup at least some of the money I have put into the car. I know it can be parted out and I can probably make more than I can for the whole car, I just really don't any time to do that. I'm not trying to be an ass, I just always see people wanting a black/black LSC and figured this is an opportunity for someone, I would even drive it a reasonable distance to deliver the car. I can get the parts cheap, change them out myself and have a black LSC with a silver front end, just can't afford the paint. Bad economy, bad stuff happens and it's circumstances beyond my control. It's really not laziness and eventually I'll get another Mark.
Theres tons of posts in this section that should be in others, don't feel bad as none of them have been moved either ;)
Good luck with the sell :)
Heh, it'll be ugly but duct tape and bailing wire is the answer for now, if I could find an actual bra for the front end, nobody would notice LOL
LOL, I get it Laser. Let me remove the HID bulbs, Coil conversion kit, cup holder and neon assembly and ballast and it's yours for $500
You can keep the HIDs but everything else stays unless you have some air suspension to put back in it. $450. :)
and if I put the new fenders, header panel, bumper cover, grill, headlights and bumper cover on it, what will ya give me for it? My issue with replacing the parts is that I cannot afford to paint it and the parts are silver.
ok ok enough...I get it. I'm better off just making it a project for the winter, I'm just broke and impatient right now and with all the damn rain, my motorcycle just isn't a viable mode of transportation, guess I'll be looking in the el cheapo section of the classifieds to find a beater with a heater for the the very least, thanks for making me laugh about the situation as I have been really stressed!!!

This is what i'll have to drive....don't laugh too much.....

It was just so sickening to get these $400 offers for my 97 with similar minor dammage. That car was so clean and nice. One dude offered me $250 and thats when I decided to part it. First call sold the engine for $400 and within a week I sold $2200 more worth of stuff off it.

I know you cant part it and all but really you cant get much for it as a runner as well. Different color body parts makes these cars value drop like a rock. My 97 was $2100 and was a one owner car and in excellent condition but one fender was a different color so thats why it was $2100 instead of $3800.

Gotta think, a halfway decient paint job is gonna be at least $2000.

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