Buying a '97 Seville STS


New LVC Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Heidelberg, Germany
Hi there!

im new here in the Forum!

I come from Germany, im 20 years old and actually i drive a '96 Mustang GT

But its now on time to drive a Cadillac :D

So ive got some questions:

Are there any Problems with these Caddys i have to look for if ill buy one?
What about the Transmission? is it different from the US Model?

Just post anything you know, it would be helpfull for my buy!

*sry for bad english* :shifty:
I think the northstar has a tendency to burn oil so stay on top of that. Also it gums up fast and folks say the remedy is to run it at WOT at least once a month.
brentalan said:
I think the northstar has a tendency to burn oil so stay on top of that. Also it gums up fast and folks say the remedy is to run it at WOT at least once a month.

so you mean i have to drive like i stole it :D
ok, thats a fact i could live with :rolleyes: haha
i've had good luck wiht the n* so far (knock on wood). it doesn't burn oil like some of the ones i've heard about. and about it gumming up. i noticed that driving it like i stole it seriously does help that problem. can't complain about that.
How does the gumming up problem manifest itself, anyway? I mean, how would you know if your pistons are gummed up?
Another thing to watch out for is vibration.
Make sure before you buy it, it does not vibrate. If it does have it fixed and tested before paying any money!

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