Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Southern New Jersey.
Bout' time that royal piece of dog$hit is gone. Eventhough the new one is just another fat piece of $hit too, I was just so tired of lookinng at CorSLIME's face!!

Just had to vent.
Isn't it a little early to start calling Christie scum?
But I share the sentiment regarding Corzine.
The exodus from N. Jersey and New York is going to continue to have serious economic consequences up there. The taxes are insane.
i agree good ridance to that bum! now for christie, another crook but whos the lesser of the two evils...who i went with? Gary Stien, why?...why not....he's the guy i bought my grand prix off of so i said why not...he's a car guy..hahaha
Bout' time that royal piece of dog$hit is gone. Eventhough the new one is just another fat piece of $hit too, I was just so tired of lookinng at CorSLIME's face!!

Just had to vent.

I AGREE 100%!!!! When I was fighting the VA for my benefits, I wrote and asked CorSLIME to help me , And he wrote back and said "WHY AM I ASKING HIM FOR HELP, THERE ARE PLENTY OF ORGANIZATIONS OUT THERE FOR THAT KIND OF THING!!!" It kind of reminded me of A CHRISTMAS CAROL when those men asked Scrooge for money to help the poor and Scrooge said "ARE THERE NO PRISONS, ARE THERE NO WORK HOUSES"! F**K!!!:mad:

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