c*nts and gossip


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2008
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so.....apparently one of my coworkers spread gossip about me at work and has now put me on suspension from work without pay for 2 weeks...pending investigation
What kind of gossip are we talking here? Are you plotting terroristic acts, getting handsy with the help, are you a felon who did not put it on the employment application?

Gossip has to start from something. Either something you said, or something someone just made up about you.

Either way, I hope it gets sorted out for you soon. It sucks to be without pay for 2 weeks.
What kind of gossip are we talking here? Are you plotting terroristic acts, getting handsy with the help, are you a felon who did not put it on the employment application?

Gossip has to start from something. Either something you said, or something someone just made up about you.

Either way, I hope it gets sorted out for you soon. It sucks to be without pay for 2 weeks.

It was for posting about my paycheck actually, one of the coworkers found out and then saturday (when I wasn't working) gossiped and complained to the point now everybody at work knows!

Had to sit down with the owner and HR and they told me that I'm not supposed to posted pictures of personal stuff on the internet..even if my facebook is private....um....WTF?

So I'm suspended for 2 weeks without pay.....I might loose my job....all because a coworkers was mad that I made more money than her and instead of just grumbling to herself she had to share it with the world....

I believe what she did can easily fall under defamation and slander as she herself spread private information. I mean this is no different than if I had a picture of me smokin weed on facebook...she saw it when trying to look me up on facebook or some search engine...and then gossips about it to everyone at work....

......this is just not adult-like of her
sounds like you work with a lot of people who are more concerned about what everyone is doing, rather than worrying about their own job. Hey maybe if she spent more time working rather than spying and snitching on coworkers she could actually make that kind of money
Im pretty sure your employer has no right to do this.
A lot of places I have worked for have a policy where you are not allowed to discuss your paycheck (salary, base pay, whatever) with coworkers. Posting your paycheck on a public forum, for all to see, can be considered a violation of that policy.
A lot of places I have worked for have a policy where you are not allowed to discuss your paycheck (salary, base pay, whatever) with coworkers. Posting your paycheck on a public forum, for all to see, can be considered a violation of that policy.

which i didn't take into consideration, yes. but the moment was so breif I'm sure I would of figured that out myself. But for a coworker to gossip and search it out...that's just wrong...even if I commited a violation...my bad...I apologized to my manager...I was in a thrill of excitement and wasn't thinking properly about posting it, but it doesn't excuse what the coworker did. Hell, she coulda came to me and said "Peter I felt uncomfortable about you posting what you made this period, could you not do it again"
wow that sucks she probably just wants to steel your clients

nope, she's a nail technician....I assume she's just really jealous but cmon...if you don't like how you're paid or how much your making you have free will to leave.....like seriously...she's almost 30...needs to grow up
kinda sounds like my job, every body complains about what every body else is doing, i can't really trust anyone there except maybe 2 or 3 people, but even if your in the wrong it seems like she is too for talking about your personal stuff with everyone else
exactly and I can man up, and say I admit to the mistake of posting such without thinking. I believe you all can agree I post plenty without thinking prior :p

but still I would enjoy keeping this job....and I've earned from this mistake as I did not realize it would affect work
I do have to say too...when did the workplace stop being about a team and a family? Like were not trying to steal anyone else's clients...theres' nothing to be gained by gossip...but so so many workplaces do it...its like they don't have friends or family they can vent to...it's like they have no choice but to work that EXACT job....like really? really?
Its offixial. they terminated my employment just cause I posted that cropped picture of my paycheck. Owell. I already have 3 job interviews this week so it ain't all that bad. Plus if you think of it, since I gotta move by end of oct or beginning of nov, thisl help me decide where I should move to :p

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