Well, I checked out all you guys sent me, read and considered all of your information and opinions...I was up one night till about 3:00am checking the band out and reading up on the issues my nephew is having. Iknow how touchy my sis was being about the whole situation, the counsel I got from you guys was on target....thanks....I was able to keep my mouth shut, and pray, a lot of praying...youknow my mouth....then yesterday, the night before the concert my sis calls me and says she wants me to talk to him about my concerns...I had to pull over...I talked with him (we are close or at least I thought so before this...), I understood him, he understood me, it was a good conversation.
He went to the concert last night.
Dinner at moms today (his grandma) I got to chat with him..., he said it was pretty boring, not what he thought it would be not many people, he was pretty bummed out about it being a flop, cause he was really hyped to go...
THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! and thanks for all your prayers and good advice HOTTIES!!!!