C.O.B. ??? to listen or not?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Right here ;)
Got a question HOTTIES, do you think the rock band Children of Bodom would be ok/recommended listening for a 17 yr old?

Really need to know, I'm concerned about a friend of mine.

Thanks HOTTIES!!

I will ask a few of my younger relatives about them tommorrow, they listen to that kind of music and i will let you know what i find out.
Other then the fact that they totally suckass I dont see too much wrong with them from the 2 somgs I have heard.
I totally agree, they do suck, but I should not have been so vague....my nephew is 17, jugt got released from mental hospital visit guess he has been drinkin a lot and cutting himself.....

I really don't think he should be going, the music does suck, but I can't get myself "behind" the reason for listening to it....did I make that understandable?

I just feel really uncomfortable.....your opinions are greatly appreciated!!!!

Thanks HOTTIES!!!
From their website; "Named for a murder case in their homeland, Children Of Bodom have quickly become one of the top metal bands from Finland, with their potent (and now oft-imitated) blend of progressive-laced speed/power metal with ferocious black vocals . . . "

I would say that this is a group to stay clear off. I don't see thier brand of entertainment (music) as a something a future leader of tomorrow might want to have ringing in thier heads.

From the website; http://www.vinland.org/scamp/institute/dsh.html
(keyword: cutters)

"...Self-injury is a self-preservation technique for many cutters; the self-mutilation relieves anxiety and/or depersonalization symptoms which could lead to psychosis or suicide if not alleviated. Self-harm can be focusing, calming. It can give a person a feeling of control over their lives and their bodies which they have experienced no other way. People trying to help cutters should not try to take this coping mechanism away from the cutters without helping them first come to terms with things that trigger incidents and learning new, healthier coping mechanisms with which to replace the old ones.
For many cutters, self-mutilation seems the only appropriate response to the state of the world and to how they're feeling about it and about themselves. Many cutters are extremely intelligent, sensitive, and creative people who have a hyper-sensitivity to the world around them. They may feel like an open wound walking through this extremely screwed up world while most people seem happily oblivious to all that's wrong with everything..."

Remember Van Gogh?
I never heard of them .... I googled them . from the pics of the cd covers

heres a link to thier offical message board.

from what I can see , they look like bad news ,
PM if you want ,I can send you some links about depression and stuff.

I've lived with a bi-polar teenager.
You Hotties are the best, Im going to read some more. My sis calls me at 5:00am every morning, we will have a little "sis 2 sis" time (yeah all 5 of us are pretty close,& you guys thought I was the only one, hehe).

Everything you guys have provided and will provide I am taking in. I appreciate the private PM's too Hotties, thanks.

Mad Love

Been reading all night, even dug up a live interview with a member from last month, fairly long to...all I can say is....wtf.

I'll keep you all informed....hugs to ya Hotties, and to think I was shy about askin' ya'll are the best.


Debi needs opinions and info on the group ( Children of Bodom ), i have sent her some links and sound bytes from this group. If anyone else has some info post it , Debi needs the help of LVC on this matter.
Hey HOTTIES!!! Gotta tell ya thanks soooo much. I enough info...now to convince my sis to read it....I've baited the hook, I know she will bite...

I will let ya know. THANKS!!!!!
Smooches and God Bless
Well, I checked out all you guys sent me, read and considered all of your information and opinions...I was up one night till about 3:00am checking the band out and reading up on the issues my nephew is having. Iknow how touchy my sis was being about the whole situation, the counsel I got from you guys was on target....thanks....I was able to keep my mouth shut, and pray, a lot of praying...youknow my mouth....then yesterday, the night before the concert my sis calls me and says she wants me to talk to him about my concerns...I had to pull over...I talked with him (we are close or at least I thought so before this...), I understood him, he understood me, it was a good conversation.

He went to the concert last night.

Dinner at moms today (his grandma) I got to chat with him..., he said it was pretty boring, not what he thought it would be not many people, he was pretty bummed out about it being a flop, cause he was really hyped to go...

THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! and thanks for all your prayers and good advice HOTTIES!!!!

He may not like what you say, or even do as you like, but let him know how you feel. It shows him that you care and love him. To do or say nothing is much worse. And even though he may argue or act pissed, he did listen and in the end appreciates your caring.
mespock said:
He may not like what you say, or even do as you like, but let him know how you feel. It shows him that you care and love him. To do or say nothing is much worse. And even though he may argue or act pissed, he did listen and in the end appreciates your caring.

Yes, your right...thank God Im only a aunt!!!

this s just a thought, but i knew that deb was that young. :D
ekenkade said:
this s just a thought, but i knew that deb was that young. :D

a penny for your thoughts....a nickle for your kiss....
a dime if you tell me that you love me....... hehehe


Prayers with you in your travels Eke!!! & you know I got my cellie ready for ya,... but sure would like to see you there, how's it lookin?

What are the chances of you being at Carslie!? I am looking at 95% - hope to see you there!!!


at the moment, it's lookin pretty good, but as you learned last time, i can't promise anything. and i'm also looking at getting my leg fixed, physical therapy, and a few more vicadin are about all i have to deal with now.
Music is just music. As far as black metal goes, Cradle of Filth and Children of Bodom are two of the best if you ask me. They are pretty crazy, but nothing worse than any other "controversial" artists out there. I've listened to them many times and have never taken anything away from it besides the fact I thought they were pretty good. By the way, whenever you try to limit what music a child listens to, they are just going to act out more if you take it away.
Hi Hun

I appreciate your two cents, and I agree. Read thru the thread you will come across a few posts giving just reason for being concerned about another who is in a precarious state.

Hey, will I get to meet you at meet, meat? lolol
(sorry!, couldn't resist!)

Thanks again hun,


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