caddy rules


New LVC Member
Jun 30, 2004
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BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. LINCOLN lololololol Haaahhaaa! :gr_devil: :gr_devil: :gr_devil:
I doubt it!

Mark II convertible
Well that was childish - LOL. :smilies-3

It's just nice to see some Cadillac members starting to join in on the forums other than just the Cadillac Threads.

And we all know that :soapbox: Lincolns rule when it comes right down to it.
your are right mespock my previous post was childish i apologize to the caddy owners of this club iwasn't thinking straight at that time and i apologize to you mespock if that post offended you, I do like caddilacs if i didn't own a Lincoln it would be a toss up between an Eldorado and a Sedan Deville as to which one i would own, once again i apologize to the caddy owners.
Hi Pepsi.........I wasn't drinking when i did that post it was just a childish thing to do and i apologize for it. :smilies-3
What are you apologizing for? You were no more childish that the original post!!!



BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. LINCOLN lololololol Haaahhaaa!
pepperman said:
your are right mespock my previous post was childish i apologize to the caddy owners of this club iwasn't thinking straight at that time and i apologize to you mespock if that post offended you, I do like caddilacs if i didn't own a Lincoln it would be a toss up between an Eldorado and a Sedan Deville as to which one i would own, once again i apologize to the caddy owners.

You didn't offend me. I was in a bad mood the other day and got that :q out of me I Appologize. Hey let's all have fun. I was actually thinking about the beginning thread not your reply.

Was going through some ex-wife thing and I shouldn't have been on the site I guess, the post reminded me of an e-mail she had sent me that really pissed me off and that's how I felt.

(Got divorced in 1993 - have been in court ever since. I could have bought a bran-new Mark VIII in 1998 with all the money the divorce has caused.

By the way - the kids live with me, I got the house and everything and I didn't even try. But because she got mad she has found little ways to keep bringing me back to court.

Ok sorry for getting that in this thread my Appolgies.

Cadillacs are Cool but they don't Rule - But I wouldn't mind having one.
pepperman said:
Hi Pepsi.........I wasn't drinking when i did that post it was just a childish thing to do and i apologize for it. :smilies-3

How do you know i was not talking about myself.

LOLOL, just a little comic relief fellas. :biggrin: :headbang:

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