Cadillac Pimpin'


LVC Member
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
North Port
Hello fellow fans of wasting gas and looking damn good doing it. I recently found the car that has always defined the luxurious lifestyle for me, an early 80's El Dorado. After having purchased this car for the staggering sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, I drove her home and instantly fell in love. Admittedly the Cadi is still parked in the driveway and needs more work than Shaq's free throws, but it is still the most pimpin' car on my street. I rarely see old school Cadillacs in my area and joined this forum in order to get some inspiration and help from fellow Cadillac fans. One day I hope to ride amongst 1.1 liter Toyotas and hybrid Hondas in a car that would make Don Juan proud.
Welcome, this is a great place if you have questions, or like to deal with people who aren't full of s**t. I bought a semi old towncar and everyone in my family had something to say about gas mileage. They ,(with their Hondas and Hyundais), don't realise that it's worth sacrificing mileage for a smooth ride, style, and luxury. I feel good driving my cars, and I'm willing to bet that they don't.
Great Intro and welcome to the Board.

We'd be more than happy to help you find the true purpose of your ride.
:W to :V and I am full of $#1+ or amazed that the Monster didn't say so! :Beer

Anyway enjoy the site!!! Don't forget to join your local chapter for more LvC fun!
Welcome to the board.
Now, get out your digital and start clickin.
We want to see pics,
I remember in 84 I was involved in painting a parking garage in Los Angeles.
Every morning this gal would come to work in her brand new burgandy Eldo.
What a car.
She wasan't to hot but the car was something else.
Good luck with your new toy.
Nice introduction. For $350 you can't go wrong. Hope you post your progress on fixing her up, along with pics if you can. Welcome! :Beer

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