Cali Cop cited my wife for Flowmasters... quick question.


Active LVC Member
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Corona, California
I've got Super 40's on the LS - and my wife has a 3" cat back Flowmaster set up on her WRX - it is NOT LOUD - just a good rumble. She got ticketed in Southern California (Who tickets a 9 month pregnant woman on her way to college??) - regardless, I've done the research and know I need to set up a DB test at state Referee - which cost me $109.00 --- plus my f'n time. and then appear in court, again, costing my time.

Question is - does anyone know if/when the car passes and I prove to the court that the cop was just harassing my wife - Is there ANYWAY to get my $109.00 bucks back.

It's not about the money. It's the point, and they should not get to keep one f'n penny of mine...
it will cost $1000's to recover the 109.00... i could be wrong though
Crespy Creams must have been out of his favorite donut. So he pulled your wife in a fit rag. :D

That is silly. He must have been board or was fishing for something. When he pulls her over. I doubt you will be able to get any of your money back. Would ut be cheaper to just pay the ticket? I know it's the princple of it all. But it seems it is going to be a big PITA to fight it.

Had an officer pull my wife over for tinted windows. Kept shining his light into the LS asking the same questions. "Where you going? What's in the bag?" Home with baby formula.
I don't know what the CA laws are, but in TX if you fight a violation like this, the LEO has to show up for court. They rarely do. I would doubt that the LEO would show for this case and it would get dismissed. Represent yourself and take it to a trial by jury. Even if he does show, he doesn't have the proof to make a case. FWIW your case will probably be re-scheduled multiple times costing you more and more time.
I don't know what the CA laws are, but in TX if you fight a violation like this, the LEO has to show up for court. They rarely do. I would doubt that the LEO would show for this case and it would get dismissed. Represent yourself and take it to a trial by jury. Even if he does show, he doesn't have the proof to make a case. FWIW your case will probably be re-scheduled multiple times costing you more and more time.

I think that here, traffic fines are a hearing in front of a judge and there is no option of trial by jury. I would be surprised if Texas was not the same.
put it in with your next year taxes and claim it as an expense.
I work for a parts supplier and know the west coast sales manager over at Flowmaster called him and he sent me a TON of paperwork showing that they are all Cali Emissions and Sound cleared. However, I still have to PROVE that it is - so the $109.00 will have to be paid. Which if you ask me, is all they wanted in the first place. If you pull over EVERY car with an aftermarket exhaust and get 109 a pop? There's your quota right there...

He said ANY aftermarket exhaust is illegal ... i looked it up, it's not. The car isn't even riced out, stock EVERYTHING except for the flowmaster my buddies over there hooked it up with.
If there is an attempt to postpone the hearing---"Your Honor, I am here pursuant to a notice from this court, and this is the time and place 'SET CERTAIN' for this hearing. I am entitled to 'FACE MY ACCUSER' and there seems to be no such person present. Since I have no accuser, I respectfully DEMAND that this matter be dismissed."

Good Luck!
I just call a traffic lawyer, give them $100, and let them go to town. Best case scenario the cop never shows and it gets thrown out. Worse case scenario the cop shows, my lawyer does a song and dance about how it's a minor infraction, and the ticket is thrown in and I just pay a penalty to the court. That way I have no points or tickets on my license.

Works great :)

No clue how that works in California though. Most fix-it tickets are cheap around here, like $20. How much is the fine to just pay the ticket and be done with it?
I got one in the city I live in for the LS, was considered a noise ordinance ticket though, so took the day off work, went to court and paid the damn fine. It's bs, esp. when I asked the cop what was the DB reading and what is the limit and he told me there is none, it is by his judgement
Why did she even stop or pull over in the first place is my question.
Nothing like a couple of good ol' taser prongs to the chest.

I can see the headlines now "COP tasers hot fox with big mufflers".
Why did she even stop or pull over in the first place is my question.
Nothing like a couple of good ol' taser prongs to the chest.

I can see the headlines now "COP tasers hot fox with big mufflers".

9th month preganant hot fox! What a story that would be.
I got one in the city I live in for the LS, was considered a noise ordinance ticket though, so took the day off work, went to court and paid the damn fine. It's bs, esp. when I asked the cop what was the DB reading and what is the limit and he told me there is none, it is by his judgement

Theyre full of ****.

The LS is not that loud, even with flowmasters. Its not a pushrod dodge.
The DB limit for exhaust is something like 90db, which is really loud.

I live in california, which is a poor excuse for a state in the USA...i mean, special gas, special cats, special taxes, its special ed.... anyways, i have received a fix it ticket for exhaust in my LS so ive been where you are, pissed. :D

I went to the CHP office, told em i fixed it, the guy came out, asked me to turn on the LS and then signed it off. That easy. I DID NOT FIX ANYTHING, it is just the police, some are cool, some are not.

I highly suggest that you try this. Worst case scenario your get a no. Best case is they dont even come out and believe you. (might wanna send in your wife, they might take pity and sign it off on the spot)

Good luck, and dont stress over the small ****. Youre gonna have a lot to stress about in about a week or two.

The DB limit for exhaust is something like 90db, which is really loud.

I live in california, which is a poor excuse for a state in the USA...i mean, special gas, special cats, special taxes, its special ed.... anyways, i have received a fix it ticket for exhaust in my LS so ive been where you are, pissed. :D

I went to the CHP office, told em i fixed it, the guy came out, asked me to turn on the LS and then signed it off. That easy. I DID NOT FIX ANYTHING, it is just the police, some are cool, some are not.

I highly suggest that you try this. Worst case scenario your get a no. Best case is they dont even come out and believe you. (might wanna send in your wife, they might take pity and sign it off on the spot)

Good luck, and dont stress over the small ****. Youre gonna have a lot to stress about in about a week or two.


Lofl. Oh I kno man. OT but - I just started a new job, bought my first house and am having my first kid all in a 3 month time frame. Like pulling off an f'n band aid - doing it all at once.

As for the cops - tried - wife went it, full on prego - and the told her she had to schedule an apt. Guy even came out, listened, and was like 'I don't have the authority to sign off on this' - then WTF did you come out to begin with??

Maybe I'll send her back in hopes she finds a different cop - can't hurt...
Funny how all these rules and regulations get in out way of our right to travel.
If they didn't have that, they'd have nothing or next to nothing to do.

To "serve and protect" ... more like, to "harass and beat".
I think that here, traffic fines are a hearing in front of a judge and there is no option of trial by jury. I would be surprised if Texas was not the same.

You'd think, but The Texas constitution allows us to select a jury.

Oh the responses in this thread are quite funny. Ironic how everyone seems to be fully versed in the methods and rules of police officers and their day to day activities.

First things first, where I work there is no state code for noise so I have never had to deal with this. Sure some cities around here have noise ordinances but I don't enforce city ordinances, just state codes.

Secondly is ridiculously long for an exhaust section. It explicitly states what you can and can't have ie: bypass, cuttouts etc, and gives you a hard db rating, which is really just empowering you.

In comparison ours is quite simple, if it's not stock it's not legal. Now with that being said, the only actual tickets I write for such code is on these guys.

Because that is dumb, and we don't have gross polluter laws like you all in Cali. It seems certain departments can't be left to their own judgments when citing trivial things like exhaust.

Also, I don't have a quota I don't know if he does or not. Everyone seems to think cops have quotas and personally I don't know any who do. But that is besides the point. If he indeed does have a quota he was really reaching high on this one to get that scratch. Point being, he already has the numbers now so you might as well fight it. You got no reason to lie here so I believe your car is under the required db ratings so you might as well prove it. I write my tickets to people who need them, not pregnant women with big mufflers. That being said I show to all my court dates, if he was just needing the numbers he could probably care less about a conviction and he may not show. Not to mention the fact that it is a fix it ticket and I would try to have it signed off on first.

Here there is no jury trial on traffic, it's you, the officer, the prosecutor and the magistrate (judge). Unless you appeal a decision you won't get a jury, and that's costing some money.

Also it is up to them to prove you are guilty, not up to you to prove your innocent. The burden of proof is with them.

109$ is some **** just to get a certificate, but if your car really isn't that loud I'd do it. It's about principle and he wont be citing cars for defective exhaust unless they really need it from then on.

Advice, try to get it signed off first. If not, just call a traffic lawyer. He can tell you want to do over the phone in 5 mins if he chooses too.

Now if you excuse me, it's time for my shift of harassment and beatings.
Let's not get into it again, we know where we stand, so be it.

Bit of advice though: there are cameras everywhere these days.
"Lets not get into this" "Makes snide remark"

Cool story bro.

Yes EVERYONE knows where you stand, you've preached enough for one lifetime. All cops are trash, all we do is harass and beat, we don't do anything productive, and the world would be better without them. Got it.
To "serve and protect" ...

Not according to the U.S. Supreme Court. A policeman's job is to investigate crimes. I would assume that issuing a ticket falls under investigating a "crime" and protect SOCIETY, not an individual person.

............the Supreme Court STATED about the responsibility of police for the security of your family and loved ones is "You, and only you, are responsible for your security and the security of your family and loved ones. That was the essence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980's when they ruled that the police do not have a duty to protect you as an individual, but to protect society as a whole."

"It is well-settled fact of American law that the police have no legal duty to protect any individual citizen from crime, even if the citizen has received death threats and the police have negligently failed to provide protection."
@Chris - thanks for the break down and the advice - Please note, I am in no way shape or form knocking police officers, just this one. Just this one lonely guy in corona California that pulled over a 9 month pregnant woman going the speed limit to college in 99% stock subarua with a Flowmaster muffler that was given to her as a gift...

My pops is the police sergeant of Denver and my brother works Gang Unit in East Chatt. So nothing but respect for the badge, unless as noted above - it's not used properly. Then I think we can alllllllll agree.
Like I always say, I'll respect the uniform, but the guy wearing it is another question. I'll give them respect at the start, but it's up to them to keep it. Just like with any individual you meet.

In my experience, if you are decent with the cop, they are usually that way with you.

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