California Bill Would Give Newborns $500 Savings Accounts


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 11, 2005
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I promise to nicer if you promise to be smarter.
Silly Californians....

SACRAMENTO — Every child born in California would get a $500 savings account to start building a nest egg for college or down payment for a home, under a bipartisan bill introduced Wednesday in the state Senate.

The proposal would cost taxpayers about $285 million a year.

A similar program has increased savings in Great Britain since 2002, but California would be the first state in the nation to enact it, said David Lesher, California program director for the nonprofit New America Foundation, based in Washington, D.C. A national savings program has been pending in Congress since 2005.

Under the bill, every child born in California after Jan. 1, 2008, would receive the money, regardless of their parents' income or immigration status. Recipients would repay the state's initial $500 investment once they turn 18.

The money may be used for three purposes: college or continuing education, a down payment on a home or a retirement account.

"This is the essence of equal opportunity. Every child, every person ought to get a head start," said Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, who introduced the bill with Sen. Bob Dutton, R-Rancho Cucamonga.

About 566,000 children are expected to be born in California next year.

If families added $50 a month to the state's initial contribution, the savings account would grow to nearly $17,500 at 5 percent interest over 18 years. Steinberg said that would promote saving money in a culture that now is carrying record levels of debt and has the lowest savings rate since the Great Depression.

"It sounds like another give-away with other people's money — 'a chicken in every pot,"' said Jim Uhler, spokesman for The National Tax Limitation Committee in Roseville, a Sacramento suburb. "With the budget in the red again ... we have other pressing issues."

Dutton said the money would be "an investment in the child's future," said his spokesman, Larry Venus. "He looks at this as a hand up, not a hand out."

Steinberg said the state's $131 billion annual budget spends taxpayers' money on far more dubious programs.

"There's no question these are significant dollars," Steinberg said. "But look, we spend so much more on things that don't have nearly as much significant value."

The bill does not address what happens to the account if a child dies before turning 18.
Here's an idea: Why not do the same thing with our Social Security taxes?

Liberal Democrats: Oh, no, we can't allow our SS to be put in a risky scheme where these hardworking Americans could lose everything! Besides, most of what they pay in SS taxes has to go to pay the SS benefits of recipients!
So they spend 300m a year, so that MAYBE the family saves an extra $50 a month? And what is $17k gonna be worth in 18 years? Bet that doesnt cover 1 semester in 18 years.

Someone needs to think this one through better.
I guess the Federal Pell Grant program, scholarships, and low interest loans for eduction aren't enough--Apparently the socialist agenda includes giving money away. Hey Sen. Steinberg--how about getting rid of those dubious programs you alluded to and waste and fraud first before giving money away, particularly to illegal aliens. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, this bill would pay for the Illegal aliens' newborns too. Granted, the newborns would be American Citizens, but still.
Unfortunately, liberal judges interpretation of the 14th Amendment has provided a basis to enter the U.S. illegally to give birth to so-called "Anchor Babies." While congress has authority to remedy the situation by prohibiting children born to illegal aliens to be treated as American citizens, it has thus far failed to address the problem. It is estimated that 287,000 and 363,000 children are born to illegal aliens each year. In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). (Source: Federation for American Immigration Reform) I suspect that should Sen. Steinberg proposed legislation be enacted it will only exacerbate the problem--There will be even more illegal aliens entering the state for the purpose of getting "the free money."

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