Cam sensor wiring harness


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 22, 2004
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I need to replace the wiring harness for my cam position sensor (CID). One of the wires going into the plug for the sensor came off. I soldered it into place and it lasted for a while, but now it's come loose again.

I was hoping someone here with a parts car who could cut their harness and plug and sell it to me :) It's easy to get at - it's behind the power steering reservoir on the front of the engine.

Thanks guys.
You should be able to pick this part up at a FLM dealer. It will be an OEM harness connector with approximately 8" of leads to splice in place of the old harness. :steering
i might be able to help you out with that. i have a harness that has been a donor to me for a couple plugs, let me check it out when i get home.
Give the Maxster a call at 1-800-866-1520 ext. 236 and order the part. If it is in stock he will have it to you in a few days. :Beer
i reallly appreciate it - message sent.

i have yet to encounter an online car community as helpful and friendly as this one :)

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