Can anyone help?? *20's*


LVC Member
Jun 2, 2005
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new castle
I am the sucker that bought those 20's from jthorn a few weeks ago and of course they don't fit and so i had to buy new ones. Anyways, so now i am gonna try to sell them on ebay and i would like to know what kind of car they would fit. They have all the specifications that should fit an LS (20, 8.5) , but the offset if off. The offset is like 13. Any input would help since i would like to advertise what kind of car they would fit. Thanks
itsnotmydaddys said:
that sucks, did he tell u that they didnt fit, or did he just lie to you about em.

He supposedly didn't lie. He said he bought them from some guy before he bought an LS and so he didn't know that they didn't fit. He ended up not buying an LS, so he didn't need the rims. Who knows. All I know that is I am stuck with these rims and i want to get rid of them.
hmm, try a volvo, worst case scenario is that he probably had them custom drilled for the ls on a rwd offset and turns up they might not fit any car..
lexdiamondz10304 said:
hmm, try a volvo, worst case scenario is that he probably had them custom drilled for the ls on a rwd offset and turns up they might not fit any car..

thats what i am afraid of...and i'll be pissed if thats the there a way that i can figure out the offset?? i was looking at the box that they came in and the offset is blacked out, so can i figure it out by looking at the rim??
I think you could but no one would want to buy them knowing they were drilled....I heard somewhere that it makes the car its on ride even bumpier
why would you have the wheels drilled if you said the dimensions for bolting up to an ls are correct? the only thing that can be drilled is the bolt pattern which you said is right EXCEPT the offset. or are both incorrect?
also I forgot to add, why would you buy rims before buying a vehicle they are going on? shouldn't you get the car first? sounds like he was getting in over his head(the previous owner of those rims). I had talked to him a few times over PM and it sounded fishy that's why I didn't buy. The price was good but the sale didn't make sense. It sounded like he just wanted them gone. He said he didn't know what they fit and did not? How are you going to spend over 600 on rims and not be aware of what they fit? If I spend that amount of money I'm sure as h3ll going to do some reasearch before I lay the money down.

Anyway, sounds like you're SOL
^^ yea only the offset is wrong. He didn't tell me that he didn't know what they fit or didn't fit. He said they would fit. But you're right i should have been more cautious. :Bang u live u learn
when you say they didn't fit you ahd all 4 tires installed/balnced and when you went to put them on it rubbed? let me kno

and yea that offset does sound awkward, i just got my rims in and they r 43mm offset, i'll post pics when i get tires, the rims were enough as it is lol
yea i took them to a tire shop and they first put the rim on without a tire to see if they will fit. When they did this the wheel would not turn, it was rubbing against the caliper. ------- i ended up buying some real chrome rims from this company (Flynn's Tires) and the offset was 40, i think. and they fit fine.

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