Can someone tell me....?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 16, 2005
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Can someone tell me what they use to make the exterior Cell antenna stick to the window? I recently had the windows tinted and the guy that tinted the windows said I would need just regular epoxy to do so but that is not what it looks like when I take a look at it.
That's what i thought it looked like only because in the center where the magnet is was cut out soo perfect but i couldn't tell if it was tape or not because it has turned grey and rubberry like and 'mi guessing that's from age . Thanks for the info.
if that doesn't work you could try to use the glue for the rear view mirror and see if that works.
I was think of doing that but what stopped me was that I hared it like using crazy/super glue and would not come off as easy if needed
Use 3M Gray body moulding double sided tape, some parts stores carry it, but might have to got oa body shop supply place.

Or you canstop by Best buy or any place that installs cell phones and they might stick back on for $10.

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