Car broken into????


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Louis
So i had my car parked on a very well lite and busy parking lot on friday. I come out to my car and notice all my papers are thrown all over and the car is in a disaray. Nothing was taken from it. The car was locked, no windows open. I felt under the drivers door and noticed a hole. Looks like a screwdriver was pushed threw the metal into the lock. The car still locks and the lock still works. I heard this car was easy to steal but not this easy. I know im lucky a window wasnt broken. But how does this work how can they jsut get into the car by sticking a screw driver through your door.
I think i know who it was. The lot guy has an LS, and the next night he told my brother "im sure your brother wont be parking here anymore" i told no one bout this but my friend. I think they were looking for drugs, stereo, or my wheel lock.
i know how to do it.. and i posted it before and some ppl were mad at me for posting it.. there is no way around it unfortunately unless ur reinforce the door handle some way.. but if u do that u cant take out the door handle u get me? its really easy to do, and remember if u hold lock down the windows go down? did u know that the alarm disables when the windows go down? atleast the stock alarm does.. anyways.. wish i could be of more help
yes,, hold unlock on the key OR from the FOB(keyless entry) and all 4 windows go down.. if u put the key in and turn it to "lock" position all windows go up.. it';s why i never got rid of my stock alarm..
itsnotmydaddys said:
So i had my car parked on a very well lite and busy parking lot on friday. I come out to my car and notice all my papers are thrown all over and the car is in a disaray. Nothing was taken from it. The car was locked, no windows open. I felt under the drivers door and noticed a hole. Looks like a screwdriver was pushed threw the metal into the lock. The car still locks and the lock still works. I heard this car was easy to steal but not this easy. I know im lucky a window wasnt broken. But how does this work how can they jsut get into the car by sticking a screw driver through your door.
I think i know who it was. The lot guy has an LS, and the next night he told my brother "im sure your brother wont be parking here anymore" i told no one bout this but my friend. I think they were looking for drugs, stereo, or my wheel lock.

Believe me man, I know how you feel. Somebody got me last year. They got caught so quick that I didn't loose much but actually got all the stuff they dropped out of their pockets on the way out the car. Makes you feel violated though. My car was in a well lite driveway with the motion light???
Cruznlife1 said:
wtf is a jart ?

Jarts - a game like horseshoes, but uses large darts with a metal tip which are thrown into hoops set 35' apart. Great drinking game ;) Which also explains why they were outlawed from production and retail sale in 1988.

no the LS is not easy to steal but any car is easy to get broken in to - the thing is that what the key on the door really does is push a button or a relay on eather side of the lock, one of them locks and the uther unlocks and if you remove the key entirely you can just put your finger in and manualy push the button yourself to lock or unlock, now that does not mean that they can take your car, you need a tow truck for that or someone with the dealer key programing software and they have to program a new key to your car but that takes far too long so if they want your wip then it will get towed. so rest easy just be on the look out for tow truks LOL.....
mholhut said:
Jarts - a game like horseshoes, but uses large darts with a metal tip which are thrown into hoops set 35' apart. Great drinking game ;) Which also explains why they were outlawed from production and retail sale in 1988.

LOL Lawn Darts! I never heard them called Jarts before. Then again I was only 7 in 88. Could have something to do with it.

Seriously though if there is one thing about this car I dont like it's the door handles. They seem cheap and stick out too far. The car looks sweet with shaved handles. But that opens a whole new can of worms.


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