Car Shuts off!!


LVC Member
Apr 2, 2007
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I had a lil pin hole leak in one the lines that goes from the heater coil(on top of the motor), fix that and I noticed that on of the airlines that is on top of the car had rotted so when I pulled it a lil bit the car just shut off after I cut off the rotted part and placed it back the car will idled down and shut off when it is not hot.

What could this be??
it only shuts off when its cold??

retrace them vacuum lines, you may have missed a bad one, or even when replacing them, got one or more mixed up.

I am a little confused tho, when you say one of the heater hoses from the top of the motor??? none of the heater hoses goes to the 'top' of the motor. one goes almost directly to the water pump, the other goes to the opposite end of the engine, then a metal pipe goes back to the 'front' (passenger side of car) of the engine under the intake manifold.

btw, I am guessing at the year continental by the pic.. yours is an 88-94 appearently (3.8L engine).

I have a 91, and most of the plumbing will be the same (some exceptions in the vacuum lines and emissions stuff, that changed about every year).

if you could get a decent pic of the area you found the bad lines in, it may help some.
I will get you a pic!!

I got the car back from the mechanic snd it seems like it running decent.The pic will be posted when I get home from work!

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