Car turning over but not starting


New LVC Member
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
St George
2000 Lincoln LS V8

This car has sat for about a year while my brother recovered from a near death experience. I'm trying to be the good big brother (I'm 42) and get this thing running for him again. Car only has 60k miles on it and ran just fine before parking. I had it towed to my house because I have decent garage with most tools I'll need.

First thing I did was change the fuel filter even before trying to turn it over. I knew it was gonna need it anyways and needed some time to have the battery charge. Got that done and let battery charge over night. Today I tried to start the car and it started right up. I pulled it out of the garage to turn the car around so the engine was towards the front of garage. Pulled back up the driveway, got right to the door and put it in neutral to rev it up a little. Car died and now won't start. Grrr

So here is what I've done to try and figure it out in the past 48hrs.

Gas tank is 90% full
Changed spark plugs - needed anyways and haven't checked for spark
Changed oil - needed anyways
Air Filter - needed anyways
Fuel filter at wheel well - needed anyways
Changed battery terminals since I already had a new set
Battery is only 2 years old but of course it has been sitting and wasn't charged during that time
Fuel pump - I can hear it priming but can't tell if it's running while cranking
Checked trunk fuse #17
Swapped out trunk relay #007 - seem to have a small crack on the top but it still tested fine
Swapped out trunk diode #001
Checked every fuse under dash with meter (voltage and continuity)
Checked fuel inertia shutoff switch
Pushed drivers side fuel rail pressure test port with screw driver with key on - no fuel sprayed out (Safety glasses)
Tried 2 different keys to rule out security chip being faulty
Did the throttle position relearn process (clearing out memory) but of course can't start to teach it anything

I'm really thinking that it ran for just a minute, literally, because of the fuel that was in the lines and rails and not because the fuel pump was sending it anything. Tomorrow I'm going to spray some starter fluid up in the throttle body and see if it does anything. Also going to pull the line to the engine from the fuel filter in the wheel well and see if there is any fuel being pumped while line is in a coffee can.

I've attached a picture. Can anyone tell me what this silver thing is and if it's something I should be checking out?

If there are any tips or something I'm missing, please let me know. I sure appreciate any advice. I'm just trying to take care of my bother without emptying my pockets too much.


That's an impulse damper. It's not your problem.
One year is a pretty long time for gasoline to sit around. It does go bad somewhere between six months and two years.
If the starter turns, then it's not the PATS (key security).

Turn the key from off to run and keep it there till you hear the fuel pump stop. Repeat this a few times, then check for fuel pressure at the fuel rail. (There is no point to having the key on while you do the actual check.)
The starter fluid is a good idea.

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