Dmaup's Daddy
Allright guys....
I feel it's time for anyone planning to attend Carlisle this comming year to start getting things in order. I have already scheduled the days off of work, and told my instructor at school not to expect me there for a week that month.
My preliminary plans are....
Fly out of Denver CO, to Springfield Il, and meet dad there. That night, we will stay at home preparing the 95 for the trip out. From there driving non-stop to Carlisle, to attend the show.
My new stroker motor will NOT be done in time to have it in the car and tuned properly, so I'm not expecting 1st place again.
Overall, we will be driving due east on I70 from central IL.
Is there anyone on the way that wants to caravan on the way out? That was to Jeremi and BillCU in piticular.
get yer plannin' caps on guys!
Any Discussion on the matter should be done here.
I'm trying to keep us from having 14 different threads on the same subject.
I feel it's time for anyone planning to attend Carlisle this comming year to start getting things in order. I have already scheduled the days off of work, and told my instructor at school not to expect me there for a week that month.
My preliminary plans are....
Fly out of Denver CO, to Springfield Il, and meet dad there. That night, we will stay at home preparing the 95 for the trip out. From there driving non-stop to Carlisle, to attend the show.
My new stroker motor will NOT be done in time to have it in the car and tuned properly, so I'm not expecting 1st place again.
Is there anyone on the way that wants to caravan on the way out? That was to Jeremi and BillCU in piticular.
get yer plannin' caps on guys!
Any Discussion on the matter should be done here.
I'm trying to keep us from having 14 different threads on the same subject.