Yeah probably related. It may go away once it drys, I've had strange things happen after the car wash, then go away. Did freeze up my air comp. once, at least the car wash was the only thing I could think caused it. It was awful, go to work one morning, look outside after my meeting, and the rear of my car is way up. I go out, kill the air switch. Little while later go to drive it home, bouncy as all he**. Get off the freeway about a mile from my house and here the compressor kick in. The switch is off! What the! I hurried home the front is rising now. Get in my drive, run in my house, grab the 8mil and disc. the battery. There was at least 6-8" of gap between the wheels and fender lip. I can't believe nothing blew. I had to manually jump the wires to the computer to drop her. Replaced the comp unit and surprizingly back to normal. And for those wondering at that time I had not ever messed with the sensors. After that I sensor lowered it, what could happen worse than that. Also if I had switches as many do I could of just lowered as it was filling.
Sorry to babble