Cassie's New Friend


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Well many of you met Cassie's Collie Jazzy at the Beach Partys..

This spring Jazzy had to be put down as her kidneys were failing and was in a lot of pain.

Anyway Cassie found a new friend ... doesn't have a name yet but I call him The Beast ... Purbread Malamute with papers ...

Very nice dog ...

The Beast ...jpg
A very big Congrats to Cassie, very cool looking dog. Here's a name for the dog call him Buddy. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Yea, don't try to move the food bowl, after you put it down. It will take your arm off. My brother got one many years ago. He was a little too rough on it. It became very mean. Had to bring it to the aspca.
This dog is so submissive .. was abused. Cassie was the only person who was able to get this dog come to her. Dog took to her well.

At home now as I'm the one who gets to take care if him. (Cassie's in College).

Dog is fine for me. Submissive as all hell.

We'll see what happens as he gets use to us.
Mespock - He looks like a beautiful dog - and a bit worried...

I am sure he will come around. Was he a rescue?

Inuit names are traditional for Malamutes

anaia means brother
atka means a guardian spirit

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