Cats shot, looking for exhaust suggestions


New LVC Member
Feb 12, 2014
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East Lansing
Looking for some advice on my 97 Mark VIII LSC. it almost has 150k and just recently, it's been hesitating a bit at lower RPMs. Check engine light is on, and it spits out codes 0153, 0420, 0430, and 1151. After researching these it seems there is a problem with my cats, and possibly with the O2 sensors as well. I ordered 4 O2 sensors to be put in and the shop wants over $300 to install the 4 sensors (just for labor). They also said it looks like someone cut the cats off of my car, and then re-welded them back, I'm unsure weather they were hollowed out or not. I live in Michigan so the car doesn't have to pass any types of emissions tests. What is the best way to do this without spending a boatload of money? Would it be easier just to get a custom exhaust without cats or should I try to salvage what I have? I will have access to a lift soon so I can do some of my own work. My original plan was to cut the mufflers off in the back to get a deeper exhaust note, but with all this mess I'm thinking it might be better to just run a full new exhaust without cats.
Sounds like your engine is not running properly, you might just foul up the new O2 sensors if you don't find the source.

Also you cant by catalytic converters in junk yards, the best thing to do is buy new from or look at Craigslist for a used exhaust. By the time you spend the money on new catalytic converters you can get a half way decent custom exhaust.
So if new O2 sensors don't fix my problem what would you recommend? Could this be a COP problem or something else? I thought that new O2 sensors would stop the engine from running rich but maybe that's not the case.
Buy a code scanner where you can read live data. Then come back on here with it hooked up and reading and i'll help you out.
$300 for labor.. Damn criminals.. Seriously.. You can do this job in under 30mins

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