CD Head Unit Options for Mark VIII and Ford Expedition?

Dr. Paul

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 19, 2006
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So my boss asked me today if I knew of a good setup for his wife's Expedition.

S/he wants a nice changer setup, six discs would probably work. In-dash would be really cool, but other options will be examined. The uber-cheapest setup is not necessary - he is a Senior Audit Manager and can afford to spend a few bucks on a good setup.

What types of problems would one encounter if trying to connect to the stock premium sound? They have no desire to go changing speakers and buying amps.

Anyway, if a good setup is found for a reasonable price, I may do the same in my Lincoln since my changer has also recently given up the ghost.

Suggestions? Links and information would be appreciated. :D

What types of problems would one encounter if trying to connect to the stock premium sound? They have no desire to go changing speakers and buying amps.

Worst case scenario, they need one of these. They adjust the line-out volume between the head unit and the stock speakers. Keeps the distortion down.

S/he wants a nice changer setup, six discs would probably work. In-dash would be really cool, but other options will be examined.

There are plenty of options for the Expedition when it comes to CD changers. If money is no option, she can pay the dealer to install an OEM changer. Otherwise, there are plenty of FM modulator CD changers, MP3 players (for the tech-saavy), and other options availible. The most common CD changer locations for the Expedition are the glove box, or the center console.
There are tons of options out there. Especially if you aren't getting new speakers and amping them or getting a sub put in, you really wouldn't need anything too extravagant. BUT, if you want to be able to do things later and want a little navi and dvd playing capabilities -the changer. I was looking at these last night:

Amazing price for that unit. I had one of the VM9510's a while back, (no navi capabilities and it didn't fill the hole in the dash like this one so I had to use a dash kit) but the picture on it was AMAZING. Most anything jensen from the recent years I wouldn't buy, (amps, speakers) but they are making some great in dash's now a days for a great price.

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