CEL codes how to fix.


Active LVC Member
Aug 25, 2014
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I got three codes coming up I and to find out how to fix it.

their p0420 and p0430

p0133 i believe my cat is clogged. now this would be caused from bad coils and valve cover gasket right? so i would need to replace coils and sparks along with vcg and then fix the cats?

thanks is that considered an exhaust leak because its clogged?
their p0420 and p0430

p0133 i believe my cat is clogged.

yep the 420 and 430 are either the cats aren't doing their job or there is a problem with the sensors (which isn't likely for two to go out at the same time) and the 0133 points to a faulty sensor or wiring fault.

now i would wait for confirmation about this from somebody that knows a little more but i think that might be a problem with the front O2 sensor controlling the air to fuel mixture

now this would be caused from bad coils and valve cover gasket right? so i would need to replace coils and sparks along with vcg and then fix the cats?

bad (leaking) VCG damage and kill coils, bad coils damage and kill cats...

so yes, but the order is important, fix the VCG THEN fix the coils and plugs, then fix the cats if your going to do them separately and not all at the same time

thanks is that considered an exhaust leak because its clogged?

no, a leak is what it sounds like, exhaust leaking. meaning its going out somewhere it shouldn't

clogged also is what it sounds like, the exhaust is clogged and (if bad enough) has no where to go and (if bad enough) will eventually keep the motor from running.

if you know you have VCG problems are you know you have misfires, then you already know what is going on and you have to do...
Thanks for the reply I didn't see it. How can I check the car for an exhaust leak ? Where should I look at it or should I bring it to a mechanic and tell him the deal
Thanks for the reply I didn't see it. How can I check the car for an exhaust leak ? Where should I look at it or should I bring it to a mechanic and tell him the deal

Why do you suspect you have a leak? You would need the car on a rack to find a leak easily.
It only looks like smoke coming out one muffler only

So, unless you have smoke coming out from under the car somewhere, why do you believe there is a leak?

It would seem more likely that you have a clog on the side without smoke/fog. If it's running okay, it would seem more likely to be a clogged muffler. This I would think would be very rare. If it's not running well at all, then maybe a clogged catalytic converter.

What happens if you momentarily block that tailpipe that does have smoke/fog coming out?
wait, we're still stuck on the difference between a leak and a blockage?
Ok so I blocked the muffler and nothing happen but now I feel air coming out the other / passanger pipe but no water or smoke
I must say this... these threads are mildly entertaining! ;)

So there was nothing there before you blocked the other side, or you simply observed nothing coming out and never actually felt for exhaust prior to now?

I believe that there must have been exhaust exiting that side, visible or not. Since you said nothing happened when you blocked one pipe, I find it hard to believe that whatever was "blocking" it, was blown out or free without some sign. Whether that sign was felt as something as small has an increase in vibration or audible or both (more likely). Add to that and by your description of nothing happened, then the engine did not stumble in the least, which I believe may be at least in part, what Joe was looking for (but not trying to put words in his mouth).

hmm, unrelated but, in writing the post I just realized that , [strike] [/strike] nor [strikeout] [/strikeout] works here... is there a code that does work for this?
There is a cross-over pipe so some exhaust would be directed to the other side.
So, to me, this means that he may have some restriction of that converter, but that the mufflers are fine and his prior description was not completely accurate.

As stated several times now, he needs to (in this order):

1. Fix any valve cover leaks.
2. Replace all spark plugs and all COPs (coils) at the same time.
3. Replace damaged catalytic converter(s).
There is a cross-over pipe so some exhaust would be directed to the other side.
Agreed, forcing the exhaust through the other pipe, in my understanding, was the point. Perhaps I should have better explained, but I was thinking along the lines of this being a test of the previously mentioned possibility of blockage in the muffler, or lack there of.

Having also dealt with a failed Cat just after I bought the car, due to the PO's negligence in replacing the coils, my thoughts were and are inline with Joes post above :Beer
the point of the test was, IF he had a clogged muffler, and he plugged up the free flowing side, it would choke the engine up and eventually (if completely clogged) the motor would die.
So, to me, this means that he may have some restriction of that converter, but that the mufflers are fine and his prior description was not completely accurate.

As stated several times now, he needs to (in this order):

1. Fix any valve cover leaks.
2. Replace all spark plugs and all COPs (coils) at the same time.
3. Replace damaged catalytic converter(s).

Thanks so I will repair it in this order thanks a lot for dealing with my stupid questions guys many thanks

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