Center console armrest/door latch broken


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas Tornado Alley U.S.A.
I just replaced my climate control unit. I went to open the door/armrest and the spring and a bunch of plastic broke behind the latch! :Bang any fixes? does anybody have one in black,for a 1994. Thanks JC...
You can get the part from a dealer. Try Max at FiveStar. The installer of my audio setup somehow broke mine and he ordered the part. Took a couple days to get but took me 5 minutes to replace.
go to
go under yoused parts and do a search
Found parts at 5 star Ford $26.42 delivered. Think that seems a little high? Thats WITH goldmembership, Would have been about $40.00 without it. This Web site is really starting to pay off!! THANKS, LVC!! and 5 Star Ford. :Beer
the same thing just happened to me. the pots where the screws screw into like broke apart from old age i guess. I just took some larger screws and drilled them into the holes where the old ones were, looks fine. I searched the junkyard for 3 weeks until i gave up and did it this way. But just dont lose the spring and latch and your good.
same thing just happened to me, i just took larger screws and drilled them where the old pots broke. Mine kinda got old i guess and they fell apart. just dont lose the spring and latch and you can fix it yourself.
RustyBaker said:
same thing just happened to me, i just took larger screws and drilled them where the old pots broke. Mine kinda got old i guess and they fell apart. just dont lose the spring and latch and you can fix it yourself.

It happens b/c we drivers like to slouch when we drive these hot rods...our elbows wear the plastic out. :L
You know how it is,it seems like you get one thing fixed and another thing breaks. :Bang But I kinda expect it the car is almost 12 years old with 135,000 miles.Time takes it's toll on everything.
I paid $52 on Ebay for my console door. Call me crazy, but those things just aren't easy to find, especially the black ones.

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