Chat Tonight At 9:00pm

Eric... I will be there in spirt..... I'll be picking my wife up at the airport tonight so I'll be unable to be there ..If you would, keep the chat log for me and e-mail it to me at

Thanks! I'm sure discussions will include the March 12th Meet which is all set as far as I'm concerned. What I did want to ask tonight was that for the NEXT LvC regional meet, that either someone from New York or the Maryland contingent take over the reigns and set up a meet either north or south for April 9th or the 23rd. I think once a month meets will be the norm because of the travel time involved. Once all three places are set (north, south, and in the middle) all we'll need to do is mark the dates for future meets. Unless, of course people aren't happy with the locations. Anyway, thanks again and I'll keep an eye out for the logs.

Jack (Hiz) :feedback
Sawwy I missed it......I was doing sumfin.....I will be there next week....anything good accomplished? :Beer
1wykdmk8 said:
Sawwy I missed it......I was doing sumfin.....I will be there next week....anything good accomplished? :Beer
nah not really noone really showed up last night
ERIC1 said:
nah not really noone really showed up last night
What am I? Chopped liver? j/k, I know you were talking about NE chapter stuff.


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