Cheapest Place For....


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
valve cover cups( the cups that keep the oil from getting into the spark plugs) and c.o.p......boy are the c.o.p's expensive all for a 97 mk8....
1wykdmk8 said:
Call Max for the valve cover cups, and Rock Auto has the cop boots cheap.....from what I hear. :Beer

i just checled r.a for the c.o.p 32$$ a peice......that the same price @ autozone
lincolnboy said:
i just checled r.a for the c.o.p 32$$ a peice......that the same price @ autozone

My bad, I thought you needed the boots, not the cops themselves.....I guess I should have read the entire post. I remember you were asking about the boots before, so I just thought that was what you wanted. I would just call Max and see what his prices are.....1-800-866-1520 ext.236 :Beer
lincolnboy said:
i just checled r.a for the c.o.p 32$$ a peice......that the same price @ autozone

Upgrade to GOLD status, and you get a discount from Max, Arnott, and a few others on this board. It pays for it's self VERY quickly.

1wykdmk8 said:
My bad, I thought you needed the boots, not the cops themselves.....I guess I should have read the entire post. I remember you were asking about the boots before, so I just thought that was what you wanted. I would just call Max and see what his prices are.....1-800-866-1520 ext.236 :Beer

WAIT!!!!!!! now im confused i can just replace the boot..god damit i spend 34 on a whole new peice when just the boot broke off...i could have spend 300 and got a new boot..:q:q:q:q..... :Bang NOW should the who c.o.p. be replaced when doing tune up on the 97 and up mk8 or just the boots

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