Check Coolent Level Question


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
On Friday the Check Coolant Level came on on my 95 Mark VIII. So when I stopped for gas I checked. The coolant level was where it should be for a hot engine.

I checked on Saturday morning and the coolant level was down a bit form where it should be. So I went and purchase some Antifreeze to be safe. On Sunday morning I added some and brought it up to the cold line.

I drove the car to get some breakfast and when I came out after some Antifreeze made its way out on the ground. I checked it and it was completely full.

Then I drove 3 home. The Check Coolant Level kept coming on. But when I check it the level was where it should be.

What's up? Anything I should check? Is it just a bad sensor? Car never got hot. Stayed down towards the bottom of the gauge.
Check your oil if it is foamy or milky antifreeze is mixing with the oil - most likely cause is a blown head gasket.
Internal coolant leak, or air in the system.

Far as the sensor goes, did the light go off when you came to a stop?
I would guess air in the system at this point.

By the way Rich, I will be in your area this weekend for Easter stuff. Probably be in Seneca most of the time but will be driving through your town.
Wierd, mine just did the same thing this morning, then the message went off after 2 minutes of driving.Am I in big trouble?
I would guess air in the system at this point.

By the way Rich, I will be in your area this weekend for Easter stuff. Probably be in Seneca most of the time but will be driving through your town.

Funny but I'll be in your area LOL... I'm heading to Two Rivers on Friday Night.

Bummer.. would be nice meeting you...

Well at least you'll know the way for July...

What are you doing in Seneca?
Friends and family Easter stuff. Nothing too exciting. I kinda figured you might be up this was since you were last time for holiday. Oh well!
id say its the sensor in the bottle, see it all the time in taurus-es and ford revamps sensors throughout the car line (different part #due to different bottle shape but same sensor). i think it only comes with the bottle
Didn't the first gen have 2 sensors in the X-over tube? I remember the 94 engine I bought, the crossover had 2 sensors in it. One on each side of the alternator. The 2nd Gens dont have but one sensor on the pass side of the tube. One I assume is a temp sensor. What's the other one for?
Didn't the first gen have 2 sensors in the X-over tube? I remember the 94 engine I bought, the crossover had 2 sensors in it. One on each side of the alternator. The 2nd Gens dont have but one sensor on the pass side of the tube. One I assume is a temp sensor. What's the other one for?

one is for the computer one is for the gauge, ford is dumb like that
The first gen coolant crossover tube is better, I don't like the "dummy" temp gauge on the gen 2's.
Didn't the first gen have 2 sensors in the X-over tube? I remember the 94 engine I bought, the crossover had 2 sensors in it. One on each side of the alternator. The 2nd Gens dont have but one sensor on the pass side of the tube. One I assume is a temp sensor. What's the other one for?

the after market flux compaciter:p :p
I checked the Flux Capacitor and it's not that.. first thing I checked..

There is not discoloration of the oil. But when I check the fluid it was low yesterday. It seems to be coming out of the cap.

I'll be looking at it again this week and see if it's not a hose. Just haven't had time. I'm not too worried as the car is not heating up and there doesn't seem to be any anitfreeze in the oil. So that should eliminate the big items. I hope..

Damn sure glad it wasn't the Flux Capacitor thanks for the help there Frogman. LOL.. oh and I did a search for the Flux but I only found info about Frogmans car. LOL..
Mine actually was the friggin Flux Capacitor. Im screwed.... I know it.
Just realign the plasma injectors and bypass the secondary ODN conduits, that will work for now. Then get a new reservoir cap.
Mespock, in all seriousness: Try replacing the overflow bottle cap. I was overheating my Diesel on one trip pulling my camper trailer (a paltry 7500 lbs), and I couldn't figure out why I was smelling coolant. this is before I added Evans, but anyways. I was overheating with a load the trucks' cooling system normally doesn't even know it's there. Culprit? Cap.
I was wondering if it could just be the cap... I like those simple easy fixes...

I'm going to give it a good go over as soon as I get a little time.

Now just just see if that's the trouble. I suppose I could replace it with on of my other car's caps...


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