checking the 1-2 and the 2-3


Active LVC Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Mount Pleasant
i decided, i'm going to take and look at my 1-2 accuator and my 2-3 accuator to see if the springs are broken before i go and buy a new tranny. no if the accuators were infact broken, what would the car be doing with i drive (accelerate ect...). IF the springs are broken i'm going to do a flush, empty the tc and new filters ect...
what do you guys think?

ps, if i were to pick up a new 1-2 and 2-3 where could i get them and how much

pps, if i drain my tc, how will it get filled back up? will it get filled back up when i add fluid to the main tranny and disperse from there?
Don't bother with the 2-3, mine was perfect while my 1-2 was chewed up and one of the springs was in 3 pieces.
materialboi said:
so you don't think the 2-3 would be damaged, just the 1-2?

Pretty much. I was told that the 2-3, even though updated, is not the problem in our transmissions. They will not cause the problems that the 1-2 will.
:shifty: i was told by the tranny dude that the gromets might be worn out, what are gromets and how dificult are they to change, he told me to check and see if they were ok all he had to do was put the car up in the air and look. where might these be? how hard are they to change? expencive? where could i get the part(s)?
took the car in, guy looked at it, said it's definitly internal. said now the car only goes forward, and not very well. N and R are now both forward drives....
i'm going to spend 300 bux on a used tranny....i've given up on this car. i can't wait till i get my new one. either a navi or the new saturn ski or pontiac solstice. i kinda just wanna go GM, i want onstar and ford and most of the other companies wont get on the ball

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