Chip vs. xcal 2



SCT Eliminator Switch Chip vs. xcalibrator 2 - one costs $269. and gives me a "...single program custom 4 bank program chips dramatically IMPROVE PERFORMANCE, GAS MILEAGE, TORQUE and HORSEPOWER while IMPROVING THROTTLE RESPONSE, TOWING POWER and eliminating the factory REV and Speed Limiters...", or so says the ad posted on ebay.

On the other hand, I can get the xcalibrator 2 for $379., which claims " can make changes to your timing, fueling, fuel injector size, and dozens of other parameters. You can also monitor and data log all critical parameters by both connecting the XCalibrator 2 to your PC and using the SCT Live Link software, or by using the built-in LCD display. The XCalibrator 2 also allows 2 analog inputs when data logging (such as Wideband O2s). Also, because everyone should know what those Check engine lights mean, the XCalibrator 2 allows you to read and understand these codes...", again from an ebay ad.

Now, the big question is, do I, as an everyday driver, who enjoys driving my vehicle in normal situations, but will "get on it" once in a while, really need the xcal ability over the chip? On the other hand, the xcal is only $100 more...

Thought? Comments?
I believe that the only option for the LS is the XCal - the LS was one of the first Ford products to use the new PCM, and the only way to modify it is to rewrite the programming inside it - which is what the XCal does.

Many of the newer Ford models are now using the same PCM, which is why it took a few years before we got use of the device - the F150s and Mustangs helped bring the larger market to the XCal, and to us.

Looking at the picture of the 'Chip' on the web-site - I'm not familar with that connector - it's not one of the PCM external connectors.

You may have to contact SCT to see if the chip is an option.
Then, you believe the xcal is the best value for my meager dollar, anyway. I was leaning that way simply because "it only cost a little more to go first class", or so said my Daddy back in the day. Can I expect to find a better deal than $379. for a new one?
I believe all the pricing is set by SCT - so they all sell them for the same pricing - their tuning services may be priced differently.

Since the XCal is your only option (I believe) you don't have any other choice to tune your LS.

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