Dedicated LVC Member
Sorry, Poll options won't let me post more than 5, so you'll have to add your own count for the trailers.
For me, it would be Rudy or Huckabee -- If I was to choose a repub
I'm with you, Dave. The format only allows me to have 5 choices, and I truly wanted to see what everybody thought of the 5 frontrunners.Ron Paul. You might ask why. I'll tell you: wants to abolish the federal reserve, back our money, withdraw from NAFTA and WTO, doesn't want to take away our guns, doesn't want to run our cars on moonshine, opposes the Mexico-Canada highway, opposes North American Union. TRUE FISCAL CONSERVATIVE, not NEO-CON BS. Paul wants to reduce the size of the federal goverment, cut spending and lower taxes.
what do you mean "if"?! you don't think any one of those would be better then Hillary?!
Wow. Joey's not drinking the Hillaraide. I'm impressed. That's a big step for both of us.Pretty much, yeah, I do. But she isnt the only dem running, and not the candidate yet.
Joey may be wrong on a few issues (though he does try and give opposing arguments a chance) but he is no fool. and only a fool could vote for Hillary, IMHO.
Wow....Is he wrong or does he just have a different opinion ?
Everybody's wrong about something. Happy?
...just dont understand that line of thinking.....You dont agree with me so your wrong.
What? There are usually two sides to an issue. One side is right and other is wrong.
Or do you want me to say (Whiney Voice)... Now look, his opinion is wrong but he did try to have an opinion anyway so we'll give him credit for trying.
Wow....Is he wrong or does he just have a different opinion ?