Christian HATE groups protesting soldiers funerals


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Where's the outrage over this??


Congregation plans to protest soldier’s funeral
Church says dead soldiers are God’s punishment for homosexual tolerance
Updated: 9:56 p.m. ET June 23, 2006

JACKSON, Miss. - Members of a church who say God is killing American soldiers in Iraq because of the United States' tolerance of homosexuality are planning a protest at Saturday's services for Army Sgt. 1st Class Clarence D. McSwain.

The 31-year-old McSwain of Meridian died in Baghdad on June 8 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy, the Department of Defense said.

Members of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., have been going to funerals across the United States denouncing homosexuality and praising the deaths of Americans.

The church's Web site says the group will be at McSwain's funeral in Laurel at 1:15 p.m.

"Thank God for IEDs," the Web site says. IEDs, or improvised explosive devices, is the military's term for the roadside bombs, which have taken a heavy toll on coalition troops.

"This is not the time or the place for that," said Ashley McSwain, the soldier's sister.

"This is about my brother and remembering him. They're not going to stop anything. It won't stop him from dying, and it won't stop us from crying," she said.

‘Like a shadow’
Ashley McSwain said her father, Theodis, is a minister at Gilfield Baptist Church in Alabama, and that her family knows that God would not punish her brother and family. She dismissed the tactics of the Westboro Baptist Church.

"I'll treat them like a shadow I saw out of the corner of my eye," she said Friday. "They're not even worth thinking about."

Clarence McSwain was an honor student and football player at Meridian High School. He took English classes at the University of Southern Mississippi before joining the Army 12 years ago.

This was his fifth overseas deployment and his third tour in Iraq.

Protest of the protesters planned
Members of the Patriot Guard Riders, a group of motorcycle-riding veterans who attend the funerals to form a human barricade between the church members and mourning families, also plan to attend services for McSwain.

Jason "Waldo" Wallin, deputy executive director of the Patriot Riders, said the group feels obliged to attend the funerals that are targeted by Westboro Baptist Church.

"Quite simply, we're just a bunch of average Americans letting people know that they're not alone. And to let the families know that their soldiers’ sacrifices are not forgotten," he said.

The Patriot Guard is setting up a staging area at a Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Laurel.

Ed Baker, state captain of the Patriot Riders, said in a posting on the group's Web site that police have offered bikers escorts to the services.

McSwain leaves behind three young children, including a 5-month-old son he had met only once.

McSwain was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division based out of Fort Campbell, Ky.

So is Rush or O'Reilly up in arms over this? Or does their flag-waiving stop once homos are put on the burner? :rolleyes:
Gee, I don't know anybody who is not enraged by this group and wants to see them go away, liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican, no one.
Where's the outrage??
That little clan of nuts has gotten a ridiculous amount of media attention.

Everyone dislikes them. I think one of the reasons they get so much attentions is because media types like to give the impression that they are a conservative religious group. They use them as a club to beat conventional Christians and conservatives, misrepresenting them as the "religious right," when in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. Those morons were even protesting the Ronald Reagan funeral.
i just don't understand why some religous groups always gotta try to push their views and beliefs on everyone. some one died serving and fighting for our country, they also died defending the right to free speech that those disrespectful :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs are using.

I live in Junction City Ks next to an army base,where there are a riduclous amount of churchs and so many holy rollers that it would make the average god fearing person sick, i can;t even go to the damn grocery store wearing a heavy metal band t-shirt, with out atleast running into a handful of people (not just christians alot of them belong to this faith tabernacle church and these people are very pushy :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs.)that think that I need to be saved by god. and when you are polite and try to dismiss them they still don't leave you alone.

If you got a strong belief system. cool. but don't be invading soldiers funerals and disrupting thier familys time of sadness. because please keep mind these soldiers are fighting for that right to free speech. so show some respect even though you may not agree with the lifestyle that they had lived or whatever

This is not intended to be pointed at anyone on this website. it is just my opinion. if i offended anyone in the writing of this sorry to say i am not sorry.
Cbecker1994Vlll said:
i just don't understand why some religous groups always gotta try to push their views and beliefs on everyone.....

Take it easy, this group has less than 100 members.

That's right, LESS THAN 100 members. Most high school Key Clubs are larger. This group receives a disproportionate amount of attention.
What's funniest, we have foreign policy problems, environmental issues, economic problems, terrorist at our very doorstep etc. etc. and these a-holes think that solving the 'queer issue' will set the world straight. But as Calabrio mentioned, this is a small group of nuts and they are receiving WAY too much attention. Best thing the media could do is not cover their rants and protest, let them vanish into obscurity.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Where's the outrage over this??


Congregation plans to protest soldier’s funeral
Church says dead soldiers are God’s punishment for homosexual tolerance
Updated: 9:56 p.m. ET June 23, 2006

JACKSON, Miss. - Members of a church who say God is killing American soldiers in Iraq because of the United States' tolerance of homosexuality are planning a protest at Saturday's services for Army Sgt. 1st Class Clarence D. McSwain.

The 31-year-old McSwain of Meridian died in Baghdad on June 8 when a roadside bomb exploded near his convoy, the Department of Defense said.

Members of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., have been going to funerals across the United States denouncing homosexuality and praising the deaths of Americans.

The church's Web site says the group will be at McSwain's funeral in Laurel at 1:15 p.m.

"Thank God for IEDs," the Web site says. IEDs, or improvised explosive devices, is the military's term for the roadside bombs, which have taken a heavy toll on coalition troops.

"This is not the time or the place for that," said Ashley McSwain, the soldier's sister.

"This is about my brother and remembering him. They're not going to stop anything. It won't stop him from dying, and it won't stop us from crying," she said.

‘Like a shadow’
Ashley McSwain said her father, Theodis, is a minister at Gilfield Baptist Church in Alabama, and that her family knows that God would not punish her brother and family. She dismissed the tactics of the Westboro Baptist Church.

"I'll treat them like a shadow I saw out of the corner of my eye," she said Friday. "They're not even worth thinking about."

Clarence McSwain was an honor student and football player at Meridian High School. He took English classes at the University of Southern Mississippi before joining the Army 12 years ago.

This was his fifth overseas deployment and his third tour in Iraq.

Protest of the protesters planned
Members of the Patriot Guard Riders, a group of motorcycle-riding veterans who attend the funerals to form a human barricade between the church members and mourning families, also plan to attend services for McSwain.

Jason "Waldo" Wallin, deputy executive director of the Patriot Riders, said the group feels obliged to attend the funerals that are targeted by Westboro Baptist Church.

"Quite simply, we're just a bunch of average Americans letting people know that they're not alone. And to let the families know that their soldiers’ sacrifices are not forgotten," he said.

The Patriot Guard is setting up a staging area at a Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Laurel.

Ed Baker, state captain of the Patriot Riders, said in a posting on the group's Web site that police have offered bikers escorts to the services.

McSwain leaves behind three young children, including a 5-month-old son he had met only once.

McSwain was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division based out of Fort Campbell, Ky.

So is Rush or O'Reilly up in arms over this? Or does their flag-waiving stop once homos are put on the burner? :rolleyes:

Johnny, this story is pretty old. A few months ago Hannity & Colmes had a rep from this group on their show and raked her over the coals. These people are kooks, most of them are part of one family, and nobody but you is calling them Christians.

Your love-hate relationship with Christians is alive and well, no?

Interview with Shirley Phelps Roper
Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes
1755 words
18 April 2006
Fox News: Hannity & Colmes
© 2006 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
HANNITY: And welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes".
Today, more than 1,000 family and friends attended the funeral of Iowa Army National Guard Sergeant Daniel Sesker (ph). He was killed in Iraq earlier this month.
But as they filed into the funeral, they were confronted with protestors carrying signs with anti-gay slogans and words like, "Thank God for dead soldiers."
Members of the Westborough Baptist Church have been protesting military funerals since last June, but today's display came just one day after Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack signed legislation that specifically bans disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral or a memorial service.
Joining us now from Westborough Baptist Church, Shirley Phelps Roper is with us.
Do you feel good about this? You feel good about going to the funerals of men that put their lives on the line for their country to give you the right to do this...
HANNITY: ... and to put pain, inject pain into their families' lives? This is something you feel good about?
ROPER: I feel Good about warning this nation that the wrath of God is pouring out on their heads.
HANNITY: So you want to warn the nation.
ROPER: Because they will not obey, and the lord -- the Lord your God is punishing this nation and he's doing it, one of his weapons of choice is sending your children home dead from the battle.
ROPER: So we're there to help you connect the dots, and what I feel best about is in spite of the fact that those legislative Taliban in Iowa passed an unconstitutional measure to try to stop us from putting the cup of the fury and wrath of God to your lips and making you drink it, that we're doing it anyway.
HANNITY: You're obviously a nut. All right. Now, look, you want to make your political and religious point.
ROPER: Exactly.
HANNITY: And you want to -- you want to inject pain and heartache. I can't think of -- I've got to be honest. We've had a lot of nutty people on the show over the years. You are as mean and as sick and as cruel as anybody that I've ever had on this program.
And the fact that you use religion to justify your hatred this way, it's frankly -- it's mind-numbing. Do you really believe when you hold up your sign, "Thank God for IED's," that innocent people died, "Thank God for September 11," "thank God for AIDS".
ROPER: There are no innocent people. Thank God for 9/11, thank God for dead soldiers, thank God for IED's. There are no innocent people.
HANNITY: And you believe all of that. You thank God for 9/11?
ROPER: Do you think that all these mean things that you're saying can bring a single one of those soldiers?
HANNITY: Hang on a second.
ROPER: Or bring back a single 9/11 victim?
HANNITY: I've got a question for you. You thank God for 9/11. You thank God for AIDS. You thank God for dead soldiers that give you the right to be a fool?
ROPER: I thank God for every single one of his righteous judgments that he executes upon a rebellious people, a people who will not obey.
COLMES: Hey, Shirley, it's Alan Colmes. What's the matter with you?
ROPER: What's the matter with me?
COLMES: What is the matter with you?
ROPER: Why don't you just obey? The scripture says that you should obey...
COLMES: Who should I obey? Who would you like me to obey?
ROPER: ... the Lord your God's will. Bless you.
COLMES: Hannity's point of view, he wants me to obey him.
ROPER: If you do not obey, the commandments of the Lord our God, then he'll curse you.
COLMES: Shirley, I want to be very clear here. Your church...
ROPER: It's a curse.
COLMES: Hold on a second. Your church -- Shirley.
ROPER: It's a curse when your child comes home dead from battle.
COLMES: Can you hear me OK?
ROPER: I can hear you.
COLMES: Your church is called the Westborough Baptist Church. You're not associated with any mainstream Baptist organization. It's mostly your own family members in this church.
You and your father, Fred Phelps, hate not just gays. You hate Catholics. You hate Jews. Your father referred to the Holocaust as miniscule, led a protest at the Holocaust Museum in D.C., said Jews are the real Nazis.
You are an abomination. You ought to be ashamed to yourself. You're an embarrassment to this nation.
ROPER: Well, I'm glad you recognize that there is such a concept as an abomination.
COLMES: The way you behave toward soldiers who risk their life for this country, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
ROPER: What you need to do is line your notions of what an abomination is in up with the notion that the Lord our God has put into the standard that he put on what an abomination is. I shalt not lie.
COLMES: You know, 'm glad to have you on television, because as Louis Brandeis said, Shirley, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and you need to be disinfected. This is sick, the things you're doing. How dare you do this to the families of our soldiers?
ROPER: You cannot bring back any one of those dead soldiers by throwing a fit at us. How dare you fail to obey the commandments the Lord your God and bring his wrath down upon not just your head...
COLMES: Excuse me, Ms. Phelps.
ROPER: ... but the heads of these young and women who are -- who have been cut off by a raging mad God, described...
COLMES: I don't respond to you. I don't have to answer to you. I answer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
ROPER: ... as so angry as having smoke coming out of his mouth.
COLMES: You have said...
ROPER: That's your god. How dare you invoke the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and then flip him off, refusing to obey and behave yourself? You know that sodomy is an abomination, and yet this nation rises up with one voice to say it's OK to be gay. And you know that's why the wrath of God is upon you.
COLMES: All right. If you can just stop your ranting for just one second, let me ask you a question. If your church -- if you're so popular and what you're saying is truly the word of God, how is it your church only has -- let me ask -- let me get my question out. How is it your church has 100 members, and it's your family?
ROPER: It's really not quite 100, and about 80 percent are our family. But nevertheless, that doesn't change the word of God, and by the way, you say we're popular. No, no, no, no.
COLMES: You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
ROPER: We're hated by this nation.
HANNITY: I've got a last question. I've got one last question.
ROPER: And that's what the scripture says will happen. You hate God, you hate his judgments, and you hate us for telling you that.
HANNITY: I'm a Christian, I don't hate God. Let me ask you a last question.
ROPER: No, you're not a Christian, honey. Go ahead.
HANNITY: What are your sins?
ROPER: Yes, you tried this the other day. Why don't we talk about the issue at hand, Mr. Hannity?
HANNITY: What -- what do you do?
ROPER: Why is it you don't warn your nation?
HANNITY: Do you sin?
ROPER: Why don't you use that bully pulpit that you have to warn your neighbor that his sin is taking him to hell and to encourage your fellow man, knowing the terror of the Lord, you should persuade men to obey and behave.
HANNITY: Halleluiah.
fossten said:
I just had a deja vu twice.

Seems to be going around, maybe we're trapped in some kind of time warp cycle thingy... Ever see 'Groundhog Day' with Bill Murray?
yeah i know that one has around 100 people. living in junctiononly 50 miles from topeka there are alot of christians that have that same attitude. i have seen fist fights in the walmart parking lot. cuz some guy was talking :q:q:q:q to a GI about being over in Iraq and other :q:q:q:q. alot of it has to do with i have never really had religion pushed on me, except for the last 3 years its been hell for me. and also my brother is a Ranger in the Army, and i know he has delt with :q:q:q:q from religous groups before. especially since he has a holy roller wife, he can't even really go to church with her

but like i said i may not agree with religion but i am not going to rack on someone because of there beliefs
fossten said:
Interview with Shirley Phelps Roper
Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes
1755 words
18 April 2006
Fox News: Hannity & Colmes
© 2006 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

HANNITY: What are your sins?
ROPER: Yes, you tried this the other day. Why don't we talk about the issue at hand, Mr. Hannity?
HANNITY: What -- what do you do?
ROPER: Why is it you don't warn your nation?
HANNITY: Do you sin?
ROPER: Why don't you use that bully pulpit that you have to warn your neighbor that his sin is taking him to hell and to encourage your fellow man, knowing the terror of the Lord, you should persuade men to obey and behave.
HANNITY: Halleluiah.

I love that, she couldn't even answer a simple question... Lol
95DevilleNS said:
I love that, she couldn't even answer a simple question... Lol

I watched it live. The script doesn't do it justice. She was ranting and raving and Hannity brought her to an abrupt halt. It was priceless. I was even (gasp) applauding Colmes in that interview.
fossten said:
Johnny, this story is pretty old. A few months ago Hannity & Colmes had a rep from this group on their show and raked her over the coals. These people are kooks, most of them are part of one family, and nobody but you is calling them Christians.

Your love-hate relationship with Christians is alive and well, no?

David, save the ad-hominem personal attacks. We have 10 posts in a row in that other thread between Calabrio, you and myself without getting personal, and it was quite refreshing. So don't piss in the punch now.

They are self-proclaimed "christians". I didn't make that up.

I am well aware of this koo-koo church group from Kansas, they've made several trips to my hometown over the years to protest concerts and plays. They are largely ignored. However this morning I overheard at the coffee pot that they were coming to town to protest a fellow employee's son's funeral (recently killed by sniper in Iraq) by placing the blame for his death at the feet of homosexuals. This was the first I had heard about this group protesting soldier's funerals, and couldn't understand why O'Reily et al haven't been screetching about them as much as they've screeched about other anti-war protesters doing the same thing, but for different reasons.
Thank you U.S. media for empowering these crazy people and everything else that doesn't really matter. We are a very tolerant country and the media has no issue with exploiting it. We watch it and the advertisers pay them for it. If there is something more exploitive or ridiculous in the news, we'll be seeing it on the news later today. On another note, imagine how many Americans actually believe everything the news says.......

Conversative opinionists are not saying anything about this hate group? wth. The war is not because the US tolerates Gay people, I'm sure God can find much more creative ways of punishment. Egypt at least had a warning from Moses - followed by frogs & locusts, where is our warning?? This group is misinformed or extremely well informed, they know more why we are dying in a war than anyone else in this country, right?? I wish I could blast an airhorn in their faces till they shut-up. Then they would know how annoying and disrespectful they are.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
They are self-proclaimed "christians". I didn't make that up.

If you give me a few minutes, I can find you links to organizations with self-proclaimed Alien abductees, vampires, and all kinds of different things. They're self proclimation doesn't have much to do with their authenticity, and it has even less to do with who will associate them. As of right now, no one will. So, the only people calling them "Christians" are themself (and people who like to besmirch religion and damage the image of religion by associating these clowns with them.)

This was the first I had heard about this group protesting soldier's funerals, and couldn't understand why O'Reily et al haven't been screetching about them as much as they've screeched about other anti-war protesters doing the same thing, but for different reasons.

Apparently, somehow, you missed it. These clowns have been getting alot of attention. I'd argue, too much attention. They have been slammed and taken appart by every major conservative voice I'm aware of- from Glenn Beck to Bill O'Reilly to Hannity.
Midas78 said:
Conversative opinionists are not saying anything about this hate group? wth.
Perhaps you missed it too. This tiny little group has gotten a lot of coverage, and they have been debated aggressively by everyone from Hannity, O'Reilly, to the hot anchor woman on Fox. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, has given this group a pass.

I wish I could blast an airhorn in their faces till they shut-up. Then they would know how annoying and disrespectful they are.
No, that work. Frankly, there is nothing you can do that will shake them. They are used to it all.

And not specific to them, if you'd like to help honor fallen soldiers while keeping protest groups at bay, consider joining the Patriot Guard Riders.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
This was the first I had heard about this group protesting soldier's funerals, and couldn't understand why O'Reily et al haven't been screetching about them as much as they've screeched about other anti-war protesters doing the same thing, but for different reasons.

Because you missed it, I'll fill you in. After the H&C show, a group of veterans, I believe, started following these wackos to funerals and placing a human wall of about 150 people b/t the wackos and the funeral attendees, effectively neutralizing them. It isn't news now that they are exposed and ineffective.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
David, save the ad-hominem personal attacks. We have 10 posts in a row in that other thread between Calabrio, you and myself without getting personal, and it was quite refreshing. So don't piss in the punch now.

There you go again, being a hypocrite.

This is a personal attack, albeit not directed at me, and it is clearly ad hominem:

JohnnyBz00LS said:
So is Rush or O'Reilly up in arms over this? Or does their flag-waiving stop once homos are put on the burner?
We had these morons up here at a funeral for a soldier on the North Shore last year. A group of Hell's Angels got together and blocked the view. I wish they would have clobbered them, instead...
evillally said:
We had these morons up here at a funeral for a soldier on the North Shore last year. A group of Hell's Angels got together and blocked the view. I wish they would have clobbered them, instead...

I doubt it was the Hell's Angels, a bunch of criminals. It was probably the Patriot Guard Riders- HUGE DIFFERENCE. I'm probably going to ride with them if they send out an alert in my area.

All guys with loud pipes aren't Hell's Angels.
Calabrio said:
I doubt it was the Hell's Angels, a bunch of criminals. It was probably the Patriot Guard Riders- HUGE DIFFERENCE. I'm probably going to ride with them if they send out an alert in my area.

All guys with loud pipes aren't Hell's Angels.

No, they were Hell's Angels.
For those of you who want to see the interview.

I had a hell of a time finding a good copy of it. Most have been taken down for some reason or other. The link below still works, but you'll have to put up wih a 30 or so second ad:

I've uploaded the video to our co.'s website. No ads, high bandwidth. PLEASE, right click Save As (I think that's the procedure for Windblows users, can't remember)

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