Clean your HVAC temp sensor!


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 1, 2012
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Milledgeville, GA
I had my dash apart today to work on replacing the stereo with a double DIN nav unit. After removing the radio trim piece you can also see the temp sensor for the AC directly in front of the ignition switch. It's got a little thermistor to sense the air temp and an air duct to pull air across it.

Mine was covered in a thick layer of dust after 12 years. A quick cleaning with a rubbing alcohol-dipped cotton swab and it was good as new. I'll bet that helps keep the temp at the desired setting.

The radio surround snaps out and there's only one retaining bolt, a 7mm dealie right next to the temp sensor. You'll have to drop the panel under the steering wheel to reach it but that was only 3 phillips screws. This is on my 2000; others are bound to be similar.

I planned to take a quick pic but it got dark before I was finished.

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